Eat Quotes

Text Quotes
If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny (Eat Quotes)
We’re like the wicked witch. We promise gingerbread, then eat the little brats alive (Eat Quotes)
What an awful thing life is, isn’t it? It’s like soup with lots of hairs floating on the surface. You have to eat it nevertheless (Eat Quotes)
Weren’t we all crazy in our sleep? What was sleep, after all, but the process by which we dumped our insanity into a dark subconscious pit and came out on the other side ready to eat cereal instead of our neighbor’s children? (Eat Quotes)
Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird (Eat Quotes)
Then from far away across the world he smelled good things to eat, so he gave up being king of the wild things (Eat Quotes)
Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day (Eat Quotes)
Warning: If you are insufferable, do not walk here. We shall eat you down to the marrow (Eat Quotes)
To eat and drink without a friend is to devour like the lion and the wolf (Eat Quotes)
That if you could acquire enough, accomplish enough, you’d never want to own or do another thing. That if you could eat or sleep enough, you’d never need more. That if enough people loved you, you’d stop needing love (Eat Quotes)
A big enough artist, I say, can eat anything, must eat everything and then alchemize it. Only the feeble writer is afraid of expansion (Eat Quotes)
Because that’s what you do, you stand up for your best friend. And you eat lunch with him and talk with him and share secrets and laugh a lot and go places and do stuff, and when you wake up in the morning, he’s the first person you think of (Eat Quotes)
To my mind, the only possible pet is a cow. Cows love you. They will listen to your problems and never ask a thing in return. They will be your friends forever. And when you get tired of them, you can kill and eat them. Perfect (Eat Quotes)
You don’t care where I live or how I feel, or what I eat or how I feed my kids or how I pay the doctor if I get sick, and yes I am stupid and bored and weak, but I am still your responsibility (Eat Quotes)
When this is over... we will got to the rainforest, or a beach as white as bone. We will eat grapes from the vine, we will swim with sea turtles, we will walk miles on cobblestone streets. We will laugh and talk and confess. We will (Eat Quotes)
If you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish he’ll eat all the fish you may have caught for yourself (Eat Quotes)
All the pre-made sauces in a jar, and frozen and canned vegetables, processed meats, and cheeses which are loaded with artificial ingredients and sodium can get in the way of a healthy diet. My number one advice is to eat fresh, and seasonally (Eat Quotes)
At the New York Athletic Club they serve amazing food. People go there, get healthy, and then eat themselves to death - which is, I suppose, the right way to do it (Eat Quotes)
Were the walls of our meat industry to become transparent, literally or even figuratively, we would not long continue to raise, kill, and eat animals the way we do (Eat Quotes)
Ask yourself: What did I eat for breakfast today? What did I eat for dinner last night? You see how fast reality fades away? (Eat Quotes)
Well, I can’t eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs (Eat Quotes)
For a taste that’s a bit more distinct, eat a bird before it’s extinct (Eat Quotes)
When I’m hungry, I eat. When I’m thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it (Eat Quotes)
I hate the vamp jobs. They think they’re so suave. It’s not enough for them to slaughter and eat you like a zombie would. No, they want to be all sexy, too. And trust me: vampires? Not. Sexy (Eat Quotes)
Someday is someday, and maybe it will be or maybe it won’t. This is a human thing, to worry about things that may or may not come to be. You can’t eat meat until you’ve killed it (Eat Quotes)
Taffy. He thinks about taffy. He thinks it would take his teeth out now, but he would eat it anyhow, if it meant eating it with her (Eat Quotes)
In life we sit at the table and refuse to eat, and in death we are eternally hungry (Eat Quotes)
Whether we like it or not, the one justification for the existence of all religions is death, they need death as much as we need bread to eat (Eat Quotes)
I want to go to sleep and not wake up, but I don’t want to die. I want to eat like a normal person eats, but I need to see my bones or I will hate myself even more and I might cut my heart out or take every pill that was ever made (Eat Quotes)
Do you eat chicken because you are familiar with the scientific literature on them and have decided that their suffering doesn’t matter, or do you do it because it tastes good? (Eat Quotes)