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Eating Quotes

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I suppose women are attracted to the bad-boy image sometimes because it’s fun to have an adventure. It’s like eating junk food... it’s fun at the time, but ultimately not the best choice.  (Eating Quotes) The time after college and before music was really rough. I couldn’t afford food. I was eating bread and butter for five months. Living in New Orleans, I couldn’t afford to take care of myself. I had no health insurance.  (Eating Quotes) I can sing better after shooting smack in both arms than after eating too much,  (Eating Quotes) Work before eating, rest after eating. Eat not ravenously, filling the mouth gulp after gulp without breathing space.  (Eating Quotes) Warning: Do not read this story right after eating. In fact, don’t read it right before eating either. In fact, just to be safe, don’t read this story if you’re ever planning to eat again.  (Eating Quotes) Some hours after eating this dish [lièvre à la royale, which contains 20 cloves of garlic and twice that quantity of shallots], there is a peculiar sensation of liberation in the head. and it is sensation of smell.  (Eating Quotes) Here it is. Let’s say you’re married, you love your wife, but you’re attracted by another woman.’’Excuse me, but I absolutely cannot understand how after eating my fill here I could go past a bakery and steal a roll.  (Eating Quotes) Please, try to eat a bit less meat, a bit more veggies from today. Let it become a habit gradually until not to eat meat anymore. Then, observe the changing of the body and spirit after eating veggies, fruits and grains ?  (Eating Quotes) If you’re a professional athlete, and after the game, you’re eating at the same place that somebody in the audience is eating at? You’re making a mistake.  (Eating Quotes) After 10 years of eating vegetarian, I tried my boyfriend’s. I was overwhelmed. It was orgasmic.  (Eating Quotes) After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting out of the water?  (Eating Quotes) Outside of a couple of times I ran without eating right or being too tired, I always feel great after I run.  (Eating Quotes) I’m always interested in finding the new trend. If you love pizza every day, after 22 years of eating pizza, you want to try sushi.  (Eating Quotes) After all the throwing up, I would starve myself. Which meant eating lettuce and water for two and a half months. I almost lost my life.  (Eating Quotes) I wasn’t very good about the pain. I started screaming for painkillers after the third contraction and didn’t stop until my daughter was eating solid food.  (Eating Quotes) I was always wondering why the first ten minutes of eating fast food is heavenly and then after those ten minutes you start feeling like s**t?  (Eating Quotes) After eating the world’s bread, we wake each morning to remember: We are still hungry. Seek a better loaf. Eat, and never die. Taste, savor, and be filled forever.  (Eating Quotes) In 2009, I traveled to South Sudan with my organization PSI. While there, I visited a local school and met with a group of children who had formed a water club. The group learned about how to treat their drinking water and use proper hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before eating or after going to the bathroom.  (Eating Quotes) I believe that parents need to make nutrition education a priority in their home environment. It’s crucial for good health and longevity to instill in your children sound eating habits from an early age.  (Eating Quotes) Many of the people I work with that are half my age complain that they feel tired all the time. I tell them: ‘Look at what you’re eating, how much you are exercising, and how much sleep you are getting.’  (Eating Quotes) I do have a thing for eating out; that’s one of life’s great middle-age pleasures  (Eating Quotes) I didn’t like to stop playing for a second to bother with eating or going to the bathroom. I was a really skinny kid, and I remember my mother always telling people, ‘I don’t know how she’s alive. I think she gets all of her nutrients from air pollution.’  (Eating Quotes) When I talk about drugs and alcohol, I’m talking about sex addiction, gambling addiction, eating addiction, throwing-up addiction. I’m not talking about mental illness.  (Eating Quotes) [In Europe] they’re really interested in you drinking their alcohol and eating their food and showing you around.  (Eating Quotes) I love food. I’m a big food person. I’m really passionate about eating good food all the time.  (Eating Quotes) Education can help all Americans live longer, healthier lives. Teaching students to make healthy decisions can improve habits now and instill healthy eating habits for a lifetime.  (Eating Quotes) You can do good work simply staying up all night and eating nothing but junk food, but probably not in the long term.  (Eating Quotes) Four months is a lot of living with that little life in you-thinking about it, eating right for it, nurturing it and all of a sudden, it dies.  (Eating Quotes) I started turning 40 at 38. I had pains all over my body. I couldn’t sleep, I had rampant anxiety, and I couldn’t stop eating and drinking.  (Eating Quotes) Ultimately it boils down to the same thing all relationships boil down to: eating humble pie. I sometimes eat quite a lot. But, however bitter it might taste, it’s the best pie. It’s on the menu constantly for both parties.  (Eating Quotes)
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