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Echelon Quotes

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Celebrities become excluded from everyday life, kind of in exile in an echelon that is deemed better, anyway: Life of celebrity, all the fame and glamor  (Echelon Quotes) The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise  (Echelon Quotes) At the upper echelon of musicians in general, I guess performers in general, you have to have this kind of live-or-die, cutthroat mentality  (Echelon Quotes) The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise. In my experience, the people closest to the problems are often in the best position to see the solutions. The key here is to empower and not be the bottleneck.  (Echelon Quotes) The upper echelon of the movie industry is easier to deal with and the work is much easier to accomplish because of this generosity of spirit and confidence that they instill in the group around them.  (Echelon Quotes)