Eckhart Tolle Quotes

Text Quotes
Important thing to realize is the world is not here to make me happy. When you don’t demand that the situation, or place, or person should make you happy, then actually the situation, place, or person is quite satisfying (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
A huge number of people are going through the process of awakening, some in the early stages, some in later stages, and it’s wonderful to see (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
In fact, people think you have to be stressed to be successful. They think if you are not stressed, something is wrong with you (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Any action that arises out of stress is of low quality, and it contributes to human suffering. You are making yourself and others suffer (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Stress is extremely harmful to the body. Even mainstream medicine is recognizing how many diseases stress causes (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Stress is a form of suffering, but it is accepted as normal. And it is normal in our world (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
It is not necessary to do things in a state of anxiety or anguish. That is not the way to be aligned with life (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Now is all you ever have. There never is anything else. So, you might as well make the now your friend. Otherwise, you are out of alignment with life itself (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
When you always want the next thing, every human being becomes a means to an end (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Whenever you meet anybody, it is a holy encounter. The primary event is the energy field of presence between you and the other human being that arises. You enjoy it. There is deep joy in the meeting (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Honoring the moment is honoring every human being you meet. The only place where you can meet them is in the moment (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
The other person’s presence ultimately is the same as your presence, because it is in presence that there is true meeting (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
We are in the final stages of egoic madness. Almost the whole world is fighting each other. We witnessed the final stages of egoic madness in the 20th century, and even now it still is playing itself out. It has not quite come to an end yet (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
There are many things that are still uncertain and that probably nobody knows, because so many factors determine what form the transformation of consciousness on our planet takes (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Terrorism is an example of that extreme madness. People blow themselves up just to kill others. Unconscious reaction to terrorism is equal madness (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
The egoic madness, or dysfunction, becomes enormously amplified by the science and technology we all have developed (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
We would destroy ourselves and the planet if no change happens, because of the amplification of the egoic state through science and technology (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
If we don’t change, if the egoic consciousness continues, I don’t believe that humanity as a species can survive, or at least human civilization can survive, for another hundred years (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
I believe from what I can see there is a good chance the shift will happen in humanity before it is too late (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Vigilance in oneself is very important. Vigilance means to be alert to what happens inside, so you can catch an old, collective habit pattern (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
For spiritual teachers, it is important not to identify with the image people inevitably have of them (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
People always form images of who others are, and they can be inflated images. People may not realize that the enormous energy and spiritual power that comes through a teacher, especially in a teaching situation, has nothing to do with that person (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
That is the challenge of a spiritual teacher: not to take on board the projections of specialness people have. This is especially dangerous for spiritual teachers who only have contact with disciples or followers, who may live in an ashram (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Give yourself completely to the act of listening. Beyond the sounds there is something greater, a sacredness that cannot be understood through thought (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
The remnants of pain left behind by every strong negative emotion that is not fully faced, accepted, and then let go of join together to form an energy field that lives in the very cells of your body (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
I’m grateful for always this moment, the now, no matter what form it takes (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)
People look to time in expectation that it will eventually make them happy, but you cannot find true happiness by looking toward the future (Eckhart Tolle Quotes)