Editing Quotes

Text Quotes
Writing is therapeutic. It helps you cope with issues that seem gargantuan at the time. The process of expressing yourself about a problem, editing your thoughts, and writing some more can help you control issues that you face (Editing Quotes)
The secret to editing your work is simple: you need to become its reader instead of its writer (Editing Quotes)
There is anxiety, but it comes after you’ve finished filming because it’s out of your hands; people are editing it, they’re cutting it, marketing it. And it’s... part your career sort of rides on that. But when you’re actually filming it’s a team thing and it really feels good there for me (Editing Quotes)
In my early teens, I knew I wanted to do television production. I loved cameras, editing and producing, anything that had to do with television production. My friend had a production studio across town, and we’d go over there at night and shoot and edit. I produced my father’s televised service for 17 years (Editing Quotes)
David and I got cut out the editing process on that. We were able to affect it more than not. We sent in our notes, we were able to see cuts. We weren’t allowed to see dailies and we weren’t allowed to sit in the editing room and just work (Editing Quotes)
Certainly it’s very difficult to keep momentum going through a film which has as many characters as this does, and the piece took on a life of its own to try and shape it. That took all the time we had in editing (Editing Quotes)
Editing is a natural extension of the collage making. It’s actually one of the few areas that women were able to excel in in the film industry from the beginning (Editing Quotes)
Arnold: You want to be a part of my life, I’m not editing out the parts you don’t like (Editing Quotes)
Writing is just very difficult. I’m an adequate performer. And I think I have a special talent as an editor. Editing is what I do best (Editing Quotes)
For a long time, I can’t say I was one who really enjoyed acting. I was always censoring it, or editing it, or analyzing it, rather than just going with it (Editing Quotes)
Dolce and Gabbana is like our child. The editing of a collection before a show is a tough call, as we would like to show everything! (Editing Quotes)
So, while I gave up the notions of publishing at that time, I never stopped editing and refining that book. A few years later, in 1987, I thought I had it ready to go out again (Editing Quotes)
But I suppose film is distinctive because of its nature, of its being able to cut through time with editing (Editing Quotes)
A writer must have all the confidence in the world when writing the first draft and none whatsoever when editing subsequent drafts (Editing Quotes)
I can’t drag myself away from ‘Final Cut Pro.’ It is a digital video editing system. I am obsessed with it, but I am always away from home, and I can’t use it (Editing Quotes)
When I started editing on my home computer, I said to myself, ‘Well, I could be at home studying for a class or I could be at home editing a video (Editing Quotes)
Although Patterson Beams was not my first plug - in, I knew from the beginning that I would write it, because the single biggest time consuming factor for me was editing each beam manually (Editing Quotes)
Sometimes when you’re editing a movie, you have the thing that you don’t expect - which is you make it longer and longer as you go along (Editing Quotes)
You generally know when someone asks you to do something- am I more writing, or am I more editing? The editor is the best metaphor for your job (Editing Quotes)
I’m more relaxed about how the editing process will create a performance and that, in a way, gives me a sense of freedom (Editing Quotes)
The editing of moving pictures is geared toward the single image. You’d have to edit things in new ways (Editing Quotes)
The work, I suppose, is made in the editing, whereby I make literally hundreds of drawings, and then a much smaller percentage of those become the finished work (Editing Quotes)
It’s a lot of power to give the director to edit his own stuff. It’s also a time thing: you don’t want to have to wait for the guy to finish shooting before he starts editing (Editing Quotes)
You have to know what you’re shooting. Don’t just make your movie in the editing room and just get everything you can on the day (Editing Quotes)
If we had a completely found footage feel, with no editing, then we would have a twenty four hour movie and that doesn’t really work either (Editing Quotes)
I think we filmed a lot of the recording and it would be nice to do something with it but you know, videos are tricky because we know how to make albums but I’m not very good at video editing (Editing Quotes)
When I’m editing, I try to bring out some dramatic structure. I think it is about theater in some way; it is a little play (Editing Quotes)
I’m so busy writing and editing two books a year that I don’t have time for painting anymore (Editing Quotes)
I tend to elongate the sentences as I’m writing and editing, and there is just something about the feeling of writing longhand that I really love (Editing Quotes)
Teaching translation is more of an editing job. You act as editor. But you can have fun with it (Editing Quotes)