Edmond Mbiaka Quotes

Text Quotes
A mind that opens its door to fears, doubts, grudges, jealousy and anger, compromises its peace in return. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Perseverance is the true beginning of a life of victory (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Never give your enemies a reason to celebrate your lack of courage (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
All the makeup in this world can never cover up an empty brain (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Actions become very effective when they meet the habit of consistency (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Mutual understanding is the main backbone of every happy relationship (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Even while in the midst of failures, focus on your future victories (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
A hateful heart is the greatest enemy of its self-love (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Compromising is the only path that all happy couples travel on (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Free your grudges and heal your wounds (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Fear is absolutely nothing without its repeated acceptance in one’s mind (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Faith and hope mean absolutely nothing where consistent action fails to exist (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The toughness of any journey means absolutely nothing to a mind that travels with the spirit of perseverance (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Consistency with the right strategic plan is the ultimate key to success. Yesterday’s action would never make up for today’s procrastination (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Faith alone is never enough. You must follow up with the right effective plan and strategic action. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Working hard doesn’t necessarily mean being productive, unless it is accompanied with an effective strategic plan of action. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The earlier you admit to your mistakes, the more time you would have to learn and grow from them (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Many people are yet to understand that admitting to their mistakes isn’t a sign of weakness, but an act of wisdom. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
This is definitely the wrong time to allow fear and doubts to hold you back. Push yourself far away from your fearful past and into a blissful and prosperous future. God is your guide, protection wisdom, courage and strength. You were born to experience greatness. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The years of wisdom in a man’s age are where the true meanings of his life lie (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Let’s not deceive ourselves by always praying to God to help us succeed in life, but then turn around and starve our dreams from actions; yet expecting God to perform some miracles in our lives. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Negative experiences don’t create fears, doubts, anger, grudges, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, jealousy, stress or depression; one’s repeated negative interpretations of them do. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Tomorrow is another opportunity to relentlessly and confidently push harder with your dream. You definitely haven’t given it your all until you are living in its reality (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
One of the best decisions that you could ever make in your life, is to vow to never accept quitting as a final answer. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Opportunities to climb to greater heights will surely come. But the question is, are you ready to seize them when they do? (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The main purpose of education isn’t just to receive a certification that leads to a career, but to become a well-rounded person in so many aspects of life. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Until the end of time, a winning positive attitude will always conquer all struggles, challenges and obstacles. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
If you are a good parent, please continue to be a good one. But if you are bad parent, today is a great new beginning for you to start a great new chapter of parenthood. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions? (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)