Edmond Mbiaka Quotes

Text Quotes
The respect of a man of great honor is unshakeable. He stands a big chance of being remembered and honored by many generations to come. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
You could only be stopped from being happy, successful, or great through your thoughts and beliefs (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Don’t allow your problems to keep your spirit down. We all have our ups and downs in life. There is always a way out, but you must strongly believe in your ability to persevere. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
In the journey of success, the only person that has to believe in your dreams is nobody else but yourself. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The only way that someone could be superior over you, is if you repeatedly convince yourself to believe so. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
With full appreciation, count your blessings no matter how small they might seem. Gratitude and unconditional self-love are the best gifts that you could ever give to your inner-self. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Stop waiting around for your life to get better and start getting better with your thoughts, decisions and actions. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
No matter how good or bad your state of living currently is, better chapters are destined to unfold in your life. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Nothing on earth fulfills the heart better than unconditional self-love (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Just like breathing and eating, having gratitude for your big and small blessings is another thing that you should never live your life without. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Before you cry and complain about your problems, be sure to show enough gratitude for your blessings in life. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
When you overlook the small blessings in your life, chances are that no amount of blessings would ever make you happy. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Before you ask God for more blessings, try to first thank Him for all your past and present blessings in your life. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Always acknowledge your daily blessings with a grateful heart, but never dare to be content with them. Your true potential in life is limitless. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The past will always be behind us. The future is currently a mystery. All we can account for is the present. By all means, don’t turn a blind eye on it. Embrace it warmly and cherish it to the fullest. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
At the very end of every struggle comes a precious reward that worth all your blood, sweat and tears. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
You weren’t born to live a life of failure. God brought you into this world to fight with faith and courage until each and every one of your battles is won. So by all means, always keep your mind strong, head up, and keep on fighting. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Quitting on one’s dreams isn’t a way out, because all it does is to bring forth some sufferings and quilts in one’s life. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
The fear of failure has no business in a mind that bears the willingness to learn and grow from all events of failures. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
You definitely can’t forget everything that happened in your past. But you can place some positive interpretations on them, so that they don’t control your present and future emotions and feelings. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Some spend their lives chasing money; while some live theirs with a strong positive purpose, but then you have those who spend their lifetime on earth running away from both. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Education is the master key to greatness; without it, a child would be faced with the darkness of a future that’s full of uncertainties. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Try not to complicate your life by attaching yourself in a circle of people who would dare to influence you to engage in self-destructive decisions and actions. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Be so busy competing with your old self until you start to see no reason to ever compete with others. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
When one achieves massive success, unenlightened minds say, It’s all about luck. But if you were to ask me, I would say, It is the mighty reward of faith, confidence, courage, patience, relentlessness and resiliency. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Your goals and dreams desperately need your consistent actions right at this very moment, and the future will surely judge and reward you based on how often and well you attend to them. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
There is absolutely no difference between a dreamer and a non-dreamer, if the dreamer’s dream is not accompanied with faith, courage, perseverance, patience, and consistent actions. Every dream needs some consistent actions in order to give birth to success. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
Learn to not live in fears and worries over your obstacles, because they don’t control your destiny, God does. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)
It is only when you fail to control your fears through your thoughts and beliefs that they would start to control you. (Edmond Mbiaka Quotes)