Edmund Spenser Quotes

Text Quotes
So now they have made our English tongue a gallimaufry or hodgepodge of all other speeches (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
The rolling billows beat the rugged shore, as they the Earth would shoulder from her seat (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
His rawbone cheekes, through penurie and pine, were shronke into his jawes, as he did never dyne (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
One day I wrote her name upon the strand, but came the waves and washed it away; agayne I wrote it with a second hand, but came the tyde and made my paynes his prey (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Foul jealousy! That turnest love divine to joyless dread, and makest the loving heart with hateful thoughts to languish and to pine (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Yet neither spinnes, nor cards, ne cares nor fretts, but to her mother nature all her care she letts (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
And by his side rode loathsome gluttony. Deform'd creature, on a filthy swine; his belly was up - blown with luxury, and eke with fatness swollen were his eyne (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Naught under heaven so strongly doth allure the sense of man and all his mind possess, as beauty's love bait (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
For next to death is sleepe to be compared; therefore his house is unto his annext: here sleepe, ther richesse, and hel - gate them both betwext (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Without an helm or pilot her to sway; full sad and dreadful is that ship's event, so is the man that wants intendiment (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Bright as does the morning star appear, out of the east with flaming locks bedight, to tell the dawning day is drawing near (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Her face so faire, as flesh it seemed not, but heavenly pourtraict of bright angels' hew, cleare as the skye withouten blame or blot, through goodly mixture of complexion's dew (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
And in his lap a masse of coyne he told and turned upside down, to feede his eye and covetous desire with his huge treasury (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Fly from wrath; sad be the sights and bitter fruits of war; a thousand furies wait on wrathful swords (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
From good to bad, and from bad to worse, from worse unto that is worst of all, and then return to his former fall (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
But now so wise and wary was the knight by trial of his former harms and cares, that he descry'd and shunned still his slight; the fish, that once was caught, new bait will hardly bite (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Woe to the man that first did teach the cursed steel to bite in his own flesh, and make way to the living spirit! (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Oh, but, quoth she, great griefe will not be tould, and can more easily be thought than said (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Troubled blood through his pale face was seen to come and go, with tidings from his heart, as it a running messenger had been (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
For highest looks have not the highest mind, nor haughty words most full of highest thought; but are like bladders blown up with the wind, that being prick'd evanish into nought (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Good is no good, but if it be spend, God giveth good for none other end (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
For since mine eyes your joyous sight did miss, my cheerful day is turned to cheerless night (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Her long loose yellow locks lyke golden wyre, sprinckled with perle, and perling flowres atweene, doe lyke a golden mantle her attyre (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
For if good were not praised more than ill, none would chuse goodness of his own free will (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
In one consort there sat cruel revenge and rancorous despite, disloyal treason and heart burning hate (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Ill seemes (sayd he) if he so valiant be, that he should be so sterne to stranger wight; for seldom yet did living creature see that courtesie and manhood ever disagree (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Men, when their actions succeed not as they would, are always ready to impute the blame thereof to heaven, so as to excuse their own follies (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
From that day forth, in peace and joyous bliss they liv'd together long without debate; nor private jars, nor spite of enemies, could shake the safe assurance of their state (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
Tell me, when shall these weary woes have end? Or shall their ruthless torment never cease? (Edmund Spenser Quotes)
All that in this world is great or gay, doth, as a vapor, vanish and decay (Edmund Spenser Quotes)