Edmund White Quotes
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Text Quotes
In the case of my book, I don’t think it’s really the coming-out gay novel that everyone really needed, even though it was received as such. The boy is too creepy, he betrays his teacher, the only adult man with whom he’s enjoyed a sexual experience, etc (Edmund White Quotes)
The first version of the Beautiful Room Is Empty was the first mss. I’d ever submitted to New York editors (Edmund White Quotes)
When we are young... we often experience things in the present with a nostalgia-in-advance, but we seldom guess what we will truly prize years from now (Edmund White Quotes)
Paris... is a world meant for the walker alone, for only the pace of strolling can take in all the rich (if muted) detail (Edmund White Quotes)
I felt if I went chronologically, I’d get bogged down in childhood and that’s part of our culture of complaint in America. This endless wailing about your childhood (Edmund White Quotes)
Sharona Muir has written a gripping personal memoir about her odyssey to rediscover and reclaim her father. Along the way she uncovers some hard truths about the heroic founders of Israel and the Beginnings of Israeli science. The Book of Telling keeps in all the fears and resentments and consolations and warmth of such a process-at once her own story and the tale of a nation (Edmund White Quotes)
I’m an atheist, I always thought, ‘This is it.’ If there is going to be a heaven, it should be on earth. I feel much happier than most people. I’m fairly stoic about death, but I’m not keen on dying if it’s going to be long and protracted. I don’t have dark nights of the soul, except occasionally. I’m such a little busy bee (Edmund White Quotes)
Why did mainstream America come to accept marriage equality? Gay leaders had made a convincing case that gay families were like straight families and should have the same rights. The American spirit of fair play had been invoked (Edmund White Quotes)
First, I was opposed to gay marriage because it seemed like one more way that gays were wanting to assimilate. When I realized the Christian right was so opposed to it, as well as tyrannical governments in Africa and Russia, I thought, ‘It must be a good thing to fight for.’ (Edmund White Quotes)
I never liked my father. He really was a dullard and misanthrope. My mother and he were married for 22, years and it was an ill match. She encouraged me to be a writer. She opened her home to black friends, and this was the 1950s. She didn’t care later when I write about her. (Edmund White Quotes)
I think sincerity was my sole aesthetic and realism my experimental technique (Edmund White Quotes)
The notion that I might have been able to court friends, win attention, conjure it, would have spoiled it for me. Unbidden love was what I wanted (Edmund White Quotes)
Ive always seen writing as a way of telling the truth. For me, writing is about truth. I have always tried to be faithful to my own experience (Edmund White Quotes)
I’d rather come back with a few transcendent memories than an album of snapshots (Edmund White Quotes)
Someone once remarked that in adolescence pornography is a substitute for sex, whereas in adulthood sex is a substitute for pornography (Edmund White Quotes)
The most important things in our intimate lives can’t be discussed with strangers, except in books (Edmund White Quotes)
These rejections hurt me terribly because I felt it was my life that was being rejected (Edmund White Quotes)
I think that there are empty ecological niches in the literary landscape crying to be filled and when a book more or less fills a niche it’s seized on, even when it’s a far from perfect fit (Edmund White Quotes)
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