Educate Quotes

Text Quotes
You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy, and you can’t keep a child healthy who isn’t educated (Educate Quotes)
To educate the masses politically does not mean, cannot mean, making a political speech. What it means is to try, relentlessly and passionately, to teach the masses that everything depends on them; that if we stagnate it is their responsibility, and that if we go forward it is due to them too, that there is no such thing as a demiurge, that there is no famous man who will take the responsibility for everything, but that the demiurge is the people themselves and the magic hands are finally only the hands of the people (Educate Quotes)
After I saw how badly animals were treated to en up in our plates, how bad it was for our health and for the environment, I decided to stop this nonsense and educate others. After all, animals can’t talk and they need people that have notoriety like me to be their voices (Educate Quotes)
We have the illusion of freedom only because so few ever try to exercise it. Try it sometime. Try to save your home from the highway crowd, or to work a trade without the approval of the goons, or to open a little business without a permit, or to grow a crop without a quota, or to educate your child the way you want to, or to not have a child. We all have the freedom of a balloon floating in a pin factory (Educate Quotes)
It is in our power to educate all the children of the world to become a little better as people, a little happier (Educate Quotes)
An interesting question: is it easier to motivate a learned individual that never does anything, or educate an ignorant individual that actually produces things? (Educate Quotes)
Educate ourselves; educate other people, the population in general, to fight fear and ignorance, to eliminate little by little the subjection to nature and natural forces which our economy has not yet mastered (Educate Quotes)
... the poor man, whom the law does not allow to take... a pair of shoes for his freezing feet, is allowed to put his hand into the pocket of the rich, and say, You shall educate me (Educate Quotes)
If you wish to educate a child who has gone wrong, then you must, above all, keep your attention fixed on the intersection of two charmed circles (Educate Quotes)
Health cannot be bought at the supermarket. You have to invest in health. You have to get kids into schooling. You have to train health staff. You have to educate the population (Educate Quotes)
The verb that’s been enforced on girls is to please. Girls are trained to please... I want us all to change the verb. I want the verb to be educate, or activate, or engage, or confront, or defy, or create (Educate Quotes)
Trust your daughters, they are faithful. Honor your daughters, they are honorable. Educate your daughters, they are amazing (Educate Quotes)
The human brain represents the infinity opportunity our powers are endless if we understand, harness, and empower ourselves to look inside and educate ourselves on our potential (Educate Quotes)
In order to educate man to a new longing, everyday familiar objects must be shown to him with totally unexpected perspectives and in unexpected situations. New objects should be depicted from different sides in order to provide a complete impression of the object (Educate Quotes)
Designers must educate the public that design is about strategy, not decoration. However, such attempts are repeatedly undermined by a design world hooked on competitions and awards ceremonies that celebrate creativity instead of strategy results and sustainability (Educate Quotes)
Educate a woman and you educate her family. Educate a girl and you change the future (Educate Quotes)
Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate (Educate Quotes)
If humanity is to live in the future in a socially right way, humanity must educate its children in a socially right way (Educate Quotes)
Our task is to educate the human being in such a way that he or she can bring to expression in the right way that which is living in the whole human being, and on the other side that which puts him/her into the world in the right way (Educate Quotes)
If you don’t educate yourself, you’ll never get out of the starting block because you’ll spend all your money making foolish decisions (Educate Quotes)
Sometimes when I hear commentating, it’s sickening. People who never played the game, people who never played in the league have an opinion, and that’s all it is. You are here to educate the watcher or the viewer. Sometimes it comes off as personal. I don’t ever want to come off like that. My opinion is my opinion about someone (Educate Quotes)
Take some time and educate your mind, in the long run I’m sure you’re fine (Educate Quotes)
Young people need to vote. They need to get out there. Every vote counts. Educate yourself too. Don’t just vote. Know what you’re voting for, and stand by that (Educate Quotes)
We don’t have the choice to control our emotions, but we do have the power to educate our emotions. And we do that through literature and through art and music to give ourselves a repertoire of emotional experiences (Educate Quotes)
To educate people for peace, we can use words or we can speak with our lives (Educate Quotes)
Cultivate your garden. Do not depend upon teachers to educate you... follow your own bent, pursue your curiosity bravely, express yourself, make your own harmony (Educate Quotes)
I am pleased with the exhibition... everything on display was sold for a good price to decent people. It has been a long time since I believed that you could educate public taste (Educate Quotes)
School choice is one of the strongest ways we have to educate our children,.. believes in school choice and he is going to work hard to enact school choice (Educate Quotes)
We are not going to have a situation where our education spending goes back to its lowest level since the year 2000 despite a larger population and more kids to educate. We know that the single most important thing in terms of how well we can compete around the world is the quality of our workforce. We can’t do that to our kids (Educate Quotes)
Ourselves are cosmic and capacious beyond conjecture, and to experience some notion of the planetary perspective is the richest income from travelling. It takes all to inform and educate all. Sallies forth from our cramped firesides into other homes, other hearts, are wonderfully wholesome and enlarging. Travel opens prospects on all sides, widens our horizon, liberates the mind from geographical and conventional limitations, from local prejudices and national, showing the globe in its differing climates, zones, and latitudes of intelligence (Educate Quotes)