Education Quotes

Text Quotes
If education does not create a need for the best in life, then we are stuck in an undemocratic, rigid caste society (Education Quotes)
If we had in this room a hundred teachers, good teachers from good schools, and asked them to define the word education, there would be very little general agreement (Education Quotes)
If you improve education by teaching for competence, eliminating schooling, and connecting with students, the test scores will improve (Education Quotes)
Ignorance and a narrow education lay the foundation of vice, and imitation and custom rear it up (Education Quotes)
Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems (Education Quotes)
In common with many others in the varied branches of our profession, my academic education is subnormal (Education Quotes)
In my day we didn’t have sex education, we just picked up what we could off the television (Education Quotes)
In the 1960s we were fighting to be recognized as equals in the marketplace, in marriage, in education and on the playing field. It was a very exciting, rebellious time (Education Quotes)
In the world today, a young lady who does not have a college education just is not educated (Education Quotes)
In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education (Education Quotes)
Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated (Education Quotes)
International lending banks need to focus on areas where private investment doesn’t go, such as infrastructure projects, education and poverty relief (Education Quotes)
It goes against the grain of modern education to teach students to program. What fun is there to making plans, acquiring discipline, organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail, and learning to be self critical (Education Quotes)
It is education that will arm us with the tools that will enable us to succeed and put a stop to the rising rates of preventable death (Education Quotes)
It takes most men five years to recover from a college education, and to learn that poetry is as vital to thinking as knowledge (Education Quotes)
It was a way out of poverty. It was a way to success. It was a way to education. And it was a way to a brighter day for me (Education Quotes)
It would be nice if education was free to everyone who wanted it, but that’s not the world we live in (Education Quotes)
It’s amazing to me that they’re cutting physical education programs in the school systems (Education Quotes)
Its very difficult in our society. You cannot impose certain behavioral changes. Education can do it at the right time, probably by high school. After that it is too late (Education Quotes)
Let us not, in the eagerness of our haste to educate, forget all the ends of education (Education Quotes)
Let’s remember the children who come from broken homes, surrounded by crime, drugs, temptation, their peers having babies out of wedlock, but who still manage to get a good education despite the many obstacles they face every day (Education Quotes)
Listen, if the mayor wants to have a debate about education in this city, I got three words: bring it on (Education Quotes)
Many thousands of youth have been deprived of the benefit of education thereby, their morals ruined, and talents irretrievably lost to society, for want of cultivation: while two parties have been idly contending who should bestow it (Education Quotes)
Mothers, unless they were very poor, didn’t work. Both of my parents had to leave education. My mother had to work in a cotton mill until 18 or 19, when she took some training in domestic science (Education Quotes)
Music is an element that should be part and parcel of every child’s life via the education system (Education Quotes)
My childhood was safe and sane. No abuse and no traumas. I was surrounded by a large and loving family who taught me the importance of hard work and a meaningful education (Education Quotes)
My mother is a professor of early childhood education. When I was two she would say she knew I was going to be an actor (Education Quotes)
My parents grew up working class, but in that way that working class families do, they spent a fortune on education to better me (Education Quotes)
My personal advice is to go to school first and get a liberal arts education, and then if you want to pursue acting, go to graduate school (Education Quotes)
No education can be of true advantage to young women but that which trains them up in humble industry, in great plainness of living, in exact modesty of dress (Education Quotes)