Education Quotes

Text Quotes
Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the acquisition of wealth. It is an initiation into life of spirit, a training of the human soul in the pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue (Education Quotes)
True education makes for inequality; the inequality of individuality, the inequality of success, the glorious inequality of talent, of genius (Education Quotes)
Aging happy and well, instead of sad and sick, is at least under some personal control. We have considerable control over our weight, our exercise, our education, and our abuse of cigarettes and alcohol. With hard work and/or therapy, our relationships with our spouses and our coping styles can be changed for the better. A successful old age may lie not so much in our stars and genes as in ourselves (Education Quotes)
If our education had included training to bear unpleasantness and to let the first shock pass until we could think more calmly, many an unbearable situation would become manageable, and many a nervous illness avoided. There is proverb expressing this. It says, trouble is a tunnel thorough which we pass and not a brick wall against which we must break our head (Education Quotes)
Professors of literature, who for the most part are genteel but mediocre men, can make but a poor defense of their profession, and the professors of science, who are frequently men of great intelligence but of limited interests and education (Education Quotes)
It is one proof of a good education and of true refinement of feeling, to respect antiquity (Education Quotes)
The sure foundations of the state are laid in knowledge, not in ignorance; and every sneer at education, at culture, at book learning, which is the recorded wisdom of the experience of mankind, is the demagogue’s sneer at intelligent liberty, inviting national degeneracy and ruin (Education Quotes)
To be a critic, you have to have maybe three percent education, five percent intelligence, two percent style, and 90 percent gall and egomania in equal parts (Education Quotes)
Women, like men, must be educated with a view to action, or their studies cannot be called education (Education Quotes)
The fruit of liberal education is not learning, but the capacity and desire to learn, not knowledge, but power (Education Quotes)
Education provides the fullest opportunities for fulfilling ourselves. It is the access to all that a person has yet to learn (Education Quotes)
That education is the most important of all professions is a message the public should hear and understand. And, as importantly, a message that our educators need to hear as well (Education Quotes)
So if a college education is indispensable, the challenge as I see it is how to make it more accessible (Education Quotes)
Music kept me off the streets and out of trouble and gave me something that was mine that no one could take away from me. Music education and families are dealing with the economic times, and I wanted to help them. If I can help a kid discover a liking, or even a passion for music in their life, then that’s a wonderful thing (Education Quotes)
It seems to me that at this time we need education in the obvious more than investigation of the obscure (Education Quotes)
As a child I experienced firsthand the severe effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially upon women and children. My parents taught me the importance of education and that it was a key to improving an individual’s life (Education Quotes)
I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life, and my recent focus is on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address global challenges in healthcare and education (Education Quotes)
Our education system was developed for an industrial era where we could teach certain skills to our children and they were able to use these skills for the rest of their lives working productively in an industry (Education Quotes)
Access to books and the encouragement of the habit of reading: these two things are the first and most necessary steps in education and librarians, teachers and parents all over the country know it. It is our children’s right and it is also our best hope and their best hope for the future (Education Quotes)
One of the great failings of our education system is that we tend to focus on those who are succeeding in exams, and there are plenty of them. But what we should also be looking at, and a lot more urgently, is those who fail (Education Quotes)
Fifty percent of all meaningful education takes place in the home. What do you share with your child? You share your interests. I was a book person. I read with my son. My wife is an artist. She dragged his little butt around to museums. He’s an illustrator of children’s books (Education Quotes)
Tax dollars intended for science education must not be used to teach creationism as any sort of real explanation of nature, because any observation or process of inference about our origin and the nature of the universe disproves creationism in every respect (Education Quotes)
No matter what your political persuasion, you can find a guide that makes it quick, easy and painless to exercise your right to vote. Wanna know what a certain proposition put forth by a cadre of undisclosed billionaires which cuts funding for public education, arts and infrastructure means? Use the voting guide! (Education Quotes)
Our politics, religion, news, athletics, education and commerce have been transformed into congenial adjuncts of show business, largely without protest or even much popular notice. The result is that we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death (Education Quotes)
Education must be a lifelong pursuit. The person who doesn’t read is not better off than the person who can’t (Education Quotes)
We must change the system of education and instruction. Unfortunately, history has shown us that brotherhood must be learned, when it should be natural (Education Quotes)
A woman with an education may be able to spend more time sitting in a chair instead of lying on her back. A sound advantage, I should think (Education Quotes)
Reading is an escape, an education, a delving into the brain of another human being on such an intimate level that every nuance of thought, every snapping of synapse, every slippery desire of the author is laid open before you like, well, a book (Education Quotes)
Now I understand that one of the important reasons for going to college and getting an education is to learn that the things you’ve believed in all your life aren’t true, and that nothing is what it appears to be (Education Quotes)
The true measure of your education is not what you know, but how you share what you know with others (Education Quotes)