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What is happening to teachers now across this nation is a disgrace. The attacks on them are a blot on our nation. Teachers and students are not different interest groups. Anyone who demeans teachers demeans education and hurts children  (Education Quotes) We urgently need a paradigm shift in our concept of the purposes and practices of education. We need to leave behind the concept of education as a passport to more money and higher status in the future and replace it with a concept of education as an ongoing process that enlists the tremendous energies and creativity of schoolchildren in rebuilding and respiriting our communities and our cities now, in the present  (Education Quotes) Everything that happens to me in my life, be it good or bad, it’s all education, and it’s important for that to become part of what you do. It all feeds the beast  (Education Quotes) I felt like I’ve needed to ask my parents up until about four years ago about everything. They have helped me tremendously, I came out of college with no debt. Everything they made, they just poured into my education  (Education Quotes) In a capitalist world, the word capital has taken on more and more uses... human capital, for instance, which is what labor accumulates through education and work experience. Human capital differs from the classic kind in that you can’t inherit it, and it can only be rented, not bought or sold  (Education Quotes) Everyone has a right to a job, everyone has a right to an education, everyone has a right to health care, everyone has a right to retirement security, everyone has a right to housing, and everyone has a right to peace  (Education Quotes) Racial discrimination in public education is unconstitutional... All provisions of federal, state or local law requiring or permitting such discrimination must yield to this principle  (Education Quotes) A greater national focus on the criticality of educational equity is needed in order to mobilize the masses and invite everyone to be a part of the solution. Only when every person on the street realizes the role she can play in this movement, can we begin to change the conversations around education  (Education Quotes) I think the one worthy cause I can identify myself with is valuing education. Because I believe education is something that cannot be taken away from you. You can have money, you can have fame, but in the end, it can be taken from you. But education will always be there to help you  (Education Quotes) Without imagination, you live in a small room with the windows closed. Imagination opens the windows and shows us landscapes, horizons that we would not otherwise perceive…I want education to empower people to see possibility  (Education Quotes) Still reading but learning a lot about true education and the process of guiding our children in their educational pursuits  (Education Quotes) I have realized why corrupt politicians do nothing to improve the quality of public school education. They are terrified of educated voters  (Education Quotes) I address these hopes to all young players. It seems to me that they often begin too early the strict life of a professional, without first completing their chess studies. Deficiencies in education and a lack of certain basic knowledge will tell sooner or later; they will bump their head on the ceiling and will no longer be able to climb up to the stars  (Education Quotes) Two forces are succesfully influencing the education of a cultivated man: art and science. Both are united in the book  (Education Quotes) If it is noticed that much of my outside work concerns itelf with libraries, there is an extremely good reason for this. I think that the better part of my education, almost as important as that secured in the schools and the universities, came from libraries  (Education Quotes) Education is worth little if it teaches only how to make a living rather than how to make a life  (Education Quotes) More ubiquitous mobile technologies have led to a significant shift from desktops and laptops to the use of mobile tablets. Australian schools are increasingly using apps as they become available to support education  (Education Quotes) Each man begins with his own world to conquer, and his education is the measure of his conquest  (Education Quotes) Being incarcerated is truly very serious, and it has changed my life to such an extent that breaking the cycle has become my sole focus. Jail is definitely not cool. Education is  (Education Quotes) Education is something that other people do to you. Learning is something you do for yourself  (Education Quotes) I came to understand the value of education, not just to enable me to make a good living, but to enable me to make a worthwhile life  (Education Quotes) With education symmetrical and true we will take the dead mass buried by slavery’s hand and touch them to life. This beauteous angel, which has always done its work for those on earth, will roll away the stone from the tomb where is buried a race, and my people will come forth to their glory and the amazement of the world  (Education Quotes) The last thing we need to do, relating to teachers, is the key to a good education in this country is a strong teacher. I would have a minimum wage for all our teachers, $40,000 per year  (Education Quotes) The concussion crisis has changed the face of sports as we know it and it has brought to surface the incredible importance of our brain health. The time is now for us to make our brain the number one priority so that education and awareness can take effect, and begin to change the way we approach the health of our athletes from youth to professionals  (Education Quotes) Courts should always do the right thing. But if winning were as simple as making a good argument and filing a good brief, then we would have won the freedom to marry 40 years ago. We must put the legal work next to the public education work next to the legislative work next to the organizing work, and that’s what’s brought us so far  (Education Quotes) If frequency with which you cite an education credential does not decrease over the course of your life, you’re not accomplishing very much  (Education Quotes) Education is... the invitation to disentangle oneself, for a time, from the urgencies of the here and now and to listen to the conversation in which human beings forever seek to understand themselves  (Education Quotes) Let those who follow me continue to build with the plumb of honor, the level of truth, and the square of integrity, education, courtesy and mutuality  (Education Quotes) Education in our family was not merely emphasized, it was our raison d’etre... In this family of accomplished scholars, I was to become the academic black sheep. I performed adequately at high school, but in comparison to my older brother, who set the record for the highest cumulative average for our high school, my performance was decidedly mediocre  (Education Quotes) The great advantage of the sort of education I had was precisely that it made practically no mark upon those subjected to it  (Education Quotes)
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