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Education Quotes

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You didn’t understand or care to know, you get your education from your lovers  (Education Quotes) My dad is a chemical engineer, and my mom was a teacher. They were pretty serious about education, but I always thought about things a little bit differently  (Education Quotes) Inflation is taking up the poverty line, and poverty is not just economic but defined by way of health and education  (Education Quotes) Obviously, education is hugely important, along with healthcare. They’re the basics and you’re hurting your own country if you don’t pour money into them  (Education Quotes) We are told there is not enough money for education, but somehow there is enough money for people to raise billions of dollars to defeat somebody in an election? Oh! Okay! Does that make sense?  (Education Quotes) I always wanted to be a musician from when I was kid. It was always a massive dream of mine. School was also really really important to me and having an education was top of my priority. So I really wanted to have a degree before I tried anything in the music industry  (Education Quotes) I do work very hard. I have been very colored by that education. I spent six days a week, seven hours a day training. That will always be the foundation of my work  (Education Quotes) It doesnt hurt to repeat here the statement, still rejected by many people in spite of its obviousness, that education is a political act  (Education Quotes) The national parklands have a major role in providing superlative opportunities for outdoor recreation, but they have other people serving values. They can provide an experience in conservation education for the young people of the country; they can enrich our literary and artistic consciousness; they can help create social values; contribute to our civic consciousness; remind us of our debt to the land of our fathers  (Education Quotes) With a philosophy education, one can infuriate his peers, intimidate his date, think of obscure, unreliable ways to make money, and never regret a thing  (Education Quotes) Once I started the first school, I realized this is what my life is meant to be, is to promote education and help kids go to school, and that’s very clear  (Education Quotes) I think an education is beneficial, but whether it takes an education to be successful in the arts is a whole other question  (Education Quotes) Those rare individuals society labels geniuses are almost always freaks of nature and are naturally gifted rather than being diligent students who became geniuses because of their education  (Education Quotes) Developing a genius mindset essentially comes down to two things: operating at speed and using the subconscious mind more than the conscious. This intuitive or relaxed approach to study is the polar opposite of traditional and mainstream forms of education  (Education Quotes) Learning about factory farms and their horrendous treatment of animals is what made me become vegetarian in the first place. I also support the education of the public on adopting pets from animal shelters or saving homeless animals off the street in lieu of buying them from pet shops  (Education Quotes) We are starving for education... it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond  (Education Quotes) Everyone has a talent. It’s simply a question of good discipline, of the good fortune to have an education that meshes with that talent, and a lot of luck  (Education Quotes) Writing graffiti is about the most honest way you can be an artist. It takes no money to do it, you don’t need an education to understand it, and there’s no admission fee  (Education Quotes) To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. It has always seemed to me that symbolism should be restored to the structure of world education. The young are no longer invited to seek the hidden truths, dynamic and eternal, locked within the shapes and behavior of living beings  (Education Quotes) When an illiterate gets angry, you’ll get to understand that calmness is probably a sign of education  (Education Quotes) Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that is in huge demand but the supply is so limited to the point that the price goes up and up, look for the regulation that is causing it. This applies regardless of the sector, whether transportation, gas, education, food, beer, or daycare. There is something in the way that is preventing the market from working as it should. If you look carefully enough, you will find the hand of the state making the mess in question  (Education Quotes) Education is a complex, multifaceted, and painstaking process, and being gifted does not make this less so  (Education Quotes) Maybe it’s a tired tale, but without an education, you’re not going to go anywhere  (Education Quotes) In more than 20 years I’ve spent studying the issue, I have yet to hear a convincing argument that college football has anything do with what is presumably the primary purpose of higher education: academics  (Education Quotes) I care not what your education is, elaborate or nothing, what your mental calibre is, great or small, that man who concentrates all his energies of body, mind and soul in one direction is a tremendous man  (Education Quotes) What is desperately needed... is the skepticism and the sense of history that a liberal arts education provides  (Education Quotes) Although many of us probably didn’t get a thorough education in the value of a positive attitude, we can teach ourselves. Simply by making a decision to look for the good, happy, and beautiful in all things and all people, you will have completed the first and most important step in learning to accentuate the positive  (Education Quotes) Common standards ensure that every child across the country is getting the best possible education, no matter where a child lives or what their background is. The common standards will provide an accessible roadmap for schools, teachers, parents and students, with clear and realistic goals  (Education Quotes) Our schools offer no conception of the scientific process of discovery. They do not encourage creative thought, in fact, they stifle it through too much rigidity in teaching. If we set out to give as little help as possible to originality in science, we could hardly devise a better plan than our education system. Youngsters ought to be told what is unknown about ourselves and our universe as well as what is known  (Education Quotes) What is the most powerful force in the world? And I think you would agree that is a big idea if it is in the hands of an entrepreneur who is actually going to make the idea not only happen, but spread all across society. And we understand that in business but we have need for entrepreneurship just as much in education, human rights, health, and the environment as we do in hotels and steel  (Education Quotes)
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