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Education Quotes

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Education in the key to preventing the cycle of violence and hatred that marred the 20th century from repeating itself in the 21st century  (Education Quotes) If there is to be any permanent improvement in man and any better social order, it must come mainly from the education and humanizing of man  (Education Quotes) Loneliness is a good education. You learn the things no crowds can teach and you discover the things no crowds can give  (Education Quotes) It is not a matter of who is rejecting me, as much as it is somebody may get it, and I am going to keep plowing through it because in this world of education, there is a harvest  (Education Quotes) To criminally prosecute a child not old enough to go to the school prom makes no sense, you get much more cooperation from a victim if you give them a safe harbor, a place to live, job training, an education  (Education Quotes) Science and education, when devoid of a social conscience or environmental and human concern, are meaningless  (Education Quotes) When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to the human potential  (Education Quotes) A truly vibrant and creative culture depends on a system of education which is not divided along class and sectarian lines  (Education Quotes) Around the world, human traffickers trick many people into slavery by false promises of good jobs or good education, only to find themselves forced to work without pay, under the threat of violence  (Education Quotes) You can spend a lot of money on education, but if you don’t spend it wisely, on improving the quality of instruction, you won’t get higher student outcomes  (Education Quotes) Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life, and make it the full meaning of the present life  (Education Quotes) In the sex education process in schools, the one thing that they teach about is how to get pregnant and how to not get pregnant. But they don’t really talk about sex as a point of pleasure for women  (Education Quotes) My politics are just inclined to be empathetic and humanistic. I grew up with so many different kinds of people with different politics, different religion, no religion, no politics, education, no education, and I was infatuated with all of them  (Education Quotes) I think that era of mechanically figuring out of how to bring a particular evocative image to the screen was a really important part of my education  (Education Quotes) A child’s education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born  (Education Quotes) Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They’re both important and schools are forgetting one of them  (Education Quotes) Dialogue and education for peace can help free our hearts from the impulse toward intolerance and the rejection of others  (Education Quotes) Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t  (Education Quotes) Education has failed in a very serious way to convey the most important lesson science can teach: skepticism  (Education Quotes) Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it  (Education Quotes) Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth  (Education Quotes) Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war  (Education Quotes) I believed in studying just because I knew education was a privilege. It was the discipline of study, to get into the habit of doing something that you don’t want to do  (Education Quotes) I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted  (Education Quotes) If adolescent pregnancy prevention is to become a priority, then our strategy, as advocates, must contain two key elements: civic engagement and education  (Education Quotes) Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of lesser worth? The goose who trades his is soon a pile of feathers  (Education Quotes) It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a superinducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body  (Education Quotes) It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete  (Education Quotes) Just like my father, I’ve always loved education. In school I was a member of the honor society  (Education Quotes) Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family  (Education Quotes)
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