Education Quotes

Text Quotes
The purpose of primary education is the development of your weak characteristics; the purpose of university education, the development of your strong (Education Quotes)
The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise the wealth which it prevents you from achieving (Education Quotes)
Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly (Education Quotes)
Who knows the difference between education and training? For those of you with daughters, would you rather have them take sex education or sex training? Need I say more? (Education Quotes)
The time indeed is at hand when systematic lectures on food will be part of medical education, when the value of feeding in disease is admitted to be as important as the administration of medicines (Education Quotes)
Ignorance is a right! Education is eroding one of the few democratic freedoms remaining to us (Education Quotes)
Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher (Education Quotes)
Hold the period of youth sacred to education, and the period of maturity, when the physical forces begin to flag, equally sacred to ease and agreeable relaxation (Education Quotes)
The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave (Education Quotes)
Man achieves in life only by commanding the capabilities nature has given him, or by creating them within himself by education and by knowing how to profit by the difficulties encountered (Education Quotes)
Instead of trying to educate the human race, they should imitate the pedagogues of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, who concentrated their efforts on the education of a single person (Education Quotes)
In so far as the intention of education is to train the child for a vocation it is a millstone around his neck (Education Quotes)
Jewish success is due to a culture that promotes excellence, blessed with self discipline, education, dedication and a quest for leaving this world a better place (Education Quotes)
Better spend an extra hundred or two on your son’s education, than leave it him in your will (Education Quotes)
Research can be undertaken in any kind of environment, as long as you have the interest. I believe that true education means fostering the ability to be interested in something (Education Quotes)
One wonders at the docility of the students who evidently must be satisfied enough with the credentials to be uncaring about the lack of education (Education Quotes)
If we get public education right, everything else will follow. But if we get it wrong, not much else will matter (Education Quotes)
Our efforts in chess attain only a hundredth of one percent of their rightful result... Our education, in all domains of endeavour, is frightfully wasteful of time and values (Education Quotes)
May we all come to realize that education and the humanities should be valued for nurturing our minds and society as a whole, and not only as a means to build future careers (Education Quotes)
My education was very intensive and I applied that training later on to playing the piano. I had always played, but having no one to compare myself to, I had no idea if I was any good (Education Quotes)
It is not our background that will count but our individual actions and initiatives. Education is the great leveller: irrespective of origin, it places everyone on the same footing (Education Quotes)
We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Hey teacher, leave those kids alone (Education Quotes)
The philosophic aim of education must be to get each one out of his isolated class and into the one humanity (Education Quotes)
There is only one curriculum, no matter what the method of education: what is basic and universal in human experience and practice, the underlying structure of culture (Education Quotes)
The sentiments of an adult are compounded of a kernel of instinct surrounded by a vast husk of education (Education Quotes)
You speak of beginning the education of your son. The moment he was able to form an idea his education was already begun (Education Quotes)
Let us have an education, that shall practically develop our thinking faculties and manhood; and then, and only then, shall we be able to vie with our oppressors, go where we may (Education Quotes)
The things taught in colleges and schools are not an eduction, but the means of education (Education Quotes)
If this boy passes the examinations he will be admitted; and if the while students choose to withdraw, all the income of the college will be devoted to his education (Education Quotes)
The true aim of female education should be, not a development of one or two, but all the faculties of the human soul, because no perfect womanhood is developed by imperfect culture (Education Quotes)