Edward M Lerner Quotes

Text Quotes
The scope of what I have to say determines the length of what I write (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
I was only eight when Sputnik was launched, and at that age the boundary between science and fiction is pretty blurry. Whichever way the process ran, I’ve been a fan of science and SF ever since (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
Science works as a way to make sense of life and the universe. Hard SF as my preferred fictional genre just feels natural (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
One doesn’t just wander unvetted into someone else’s epic interstellar future history (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
Collaboration is a nice change of pace from the often solitary nature of the writer’s craft (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
Time travel offends our sense of cause and effect - but maybe the universe doesn’t insist on cause and effect. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
I’m a physicist and computer scientist by training. I worked in high tech for thirty years as everything from engineer to senior vice president - for many of those years, writing SF as a hobby - until, in 2004, I began writing full time. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
One of the bedrock principles of physics is the conservation of energy. In this universe, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
History buffs expect historical background in historical fiction. Mystery readers expect forensics and police procedure in crime fiction. Westerns - gasp - describe the West. Techno-thriller readers expect to learn something about technology from their fiction. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
What kind of hard SF do I write? Everything from near-future, Earth-centric techno-thrillers to far-future, far-flung interstellar epics. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
The medical nanobots in my novel ‘Small Miracles’ tap the energy sources that the patient’s own body provides. That is, they can metabolize glycerol and glucose, just as the cells in our bodies do. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)
The challenge - and much of the fun - of writing in an established future history lies in incorporating new knowledge while remaining true to what has gone before. Expanding and enriching, not contradicting. (Edward M Lerner Quotes)