Edward Young Quotes

Text Quotes
Still seems it strange, that thou shouldst live forever? Is it less strange, that thou shouldst live at all? This is a miracle; and that no more (Edward Young Quotes)
The future... Seems to me no unified dream but a mince pie, long in the baking, never quite done (Edward Young Quotes)
Some for renown on scraps of learning dote, and think they grow immortal as they quote. To patchwork learned quotations are allied; both strive to make our poverty our pride (Edward Young Quotes)
Each moment has its sickle, emulous of time's enormous scythe, whose ample sweep strikes empires from the root (Edward Young Quotes)
Who fails to grieve, when just occasion calls, or grieves too much, deserves not to be blest: inhuman, or effeminate, his heart (Edward Young Quotes)
Joy is an import; joy is an exchange; joy flies monopolists: it calls for two; rich fruit! Heaven planted! Never pluck'd by one (Edward Young Quotes)
One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine; and light us deep into the Deity; how boundless in magnificence and might (Edward Young Quotes)
Faith builds a bridge across the gulf of death, to break the shock blind mature cannot shun, and lands thought smoothly on the further shore (Edward Young Quotes)
The selfish heart deserves the pain it feels; more gen'rous sorrow, while it sinks, exalts, and conscious virtue mitigates the pang (Edward Young Quotes)
Men should press forward, in fame's glorious chase; nobles look backward, and so lose the race (Edward Young Quotes)
If not to some peculiar end assign'd, study's the specious trifling of the mind; or is at best a secondary aim, a chase for sport alone and not for game (Edward Young Quotes)
Fame is the shade of immortality, and in itself a shadow. Soon as caught, contemn'd; it shrinks to nothing in the grasp (Edward Young Quotes)
Not all on books their criticism waste; the genius of a dish some justly taste, and eat their way to fame (Edward Young Quotes)
Can wealth give happiness? Look round and see What gay distress! What splendid misery! Whatever fortunes lavishly can pour, the mind annihilates, and calls for more (Edward Young Quotes)
Some wits, like oracles, deal in ambiguities, but not with equal success; for though ambiguities are the first excellence of an impostor, they are the last of a wit (Edward Young Quotes)
Man wants but little, nor that little long; how soon must he resign his very dust, which frugal nature lent him for an hour! (Edward Young Quotes)
Oh! The pain of pains is when the fair one, whom our soul is fond of, gives transport, and receives it from another (Edward Young Quotes)
O sacred solitude! Divine retreat! Choice of the prudent! Envy of the great, by thy pure stream, or in thy waving shade, we court fair wisdom, that celestial maid (Edward Young Quotes)
Against their wills what numbers ruin shun, purely through want of wit to be undone! Nature has shown by making it so rare, that wit's a jewel which we need not wear (Edward Young Quotes)
Their various cares in one great point combine the business of their lives, that is - to dine (Edward Young Quotes)
There is nothing of which men are more liberal than their good advice, be their stock of it ever so small; because it seems to carry in it an intimation of their own influence, importance, or worth (Edward Young Quotes)
We push time from us, and we wish him back;... Life we think long and short; death seek and shun (Edward Young Quotes)
How must a spirit, late escaped from Earth, the truth of things new blazing in its eyes, look back astonished on the ways of men, whose lives' whole drift is to forget their graves! (Edward Young Quotes)
Time is eternity; pregnant with all eternity can give; pregnant will all that makes archangels smile. Who murders Time, he crushes in the birth A power ethereal, only not adorn'd (Edward Young Quotes)
The bell strikes one. We take no note of time But from its loss: to give it then a tongue Is wise in man (Edward Young Quotes)
Thought in the mind may come forth gold or dross; when coined in words, we know its real worth (Edward Young Quotes)
If we did but know how little some enjoy of the great things that they possess, there would not be much envy in the world (Edward Young Quotes)
Critics on verse, as squibs on triumphs wait, proclaim their glory, and augment the state; hot, envious, noisy, proud, the scribbling fry burn, hiss, and bounce, waste paper, ink, and die (Edward Young Quotes)
Shall man alone, for whom all else revives, no resurrection know? Shall man alone, imperial man! Be sown in barren ground, less privileged than grain, on which he feeds? (Edward Young Quotes)
What day, what hour, but knocks at human hearts, to wake the soul to sense of future scenes? Deaths stand like Mercurys, in every way, and kindly point us to our journey's end (Edward Young Quotes)