Edward Young Quotes

Text Quotes
Misfortune, like a creditor severe, but rises in demand for her delay; she makes a scourge of past prosperity To sting thee more and double thy distress (Edward Young Quotes)
Man's science is the culture of his heart; and not to lose his plummet in the depths Of nature, or the more profound of God (Edward Young Quotes)
Though man sits still, and takes his ease, God is at work on man; no means, no moment unemploy'd, to bless him, if he can (Edward Young Quotes)
A partial world will list to my lays, while anna reigns, and sets a female name unrival'd in the glorious lists of fame (Edward Young Quotes)
He who, superior to the checks of nature, dares make his life the victim of his reason, does in some sort that reason deify, and take a flight at heaven (Edward Young Quotes)
Oh! The tender ties, close twisted with the fibres of the heart! Which broken, break them, and drain off the soul Of human joy, and make it pain to live (Edward Young Quotes)
Affliction is the good man's shining scene; prosperity conceals his brightest ray; as night to stars, woe lustre gives to man (Edward Young Quotes)
Gold glitters most where virtue shines no more, as stars from absent suns have leave to shine (Edward Young Quotes)
It's not enough plagues, wars, and famine rise to lash our crimes, but must our wives be wise? (Edward Young Quotes)
See from behind her secret stand the sly informer minutes ev'ry fault and her dread diary with horror fills (Edward Young Quotes)
Sure as night follows day, death treads in pleasure's footsteps round the world, when pleasure treads the paths which reason shuns (Edward Young Quotes)
In human hearts what bolder thoughts can rise, than man's presumption on tomorrow's dawn! Where is tomorrow? (Edward Young Quotes)
Your learning, like the lunar beam, affords Light, but not heat; it leaves you undevout, frozen at heart, while speculation shines (Edward Young Quotes)
And shall I prove ungrateful? Shocking thought! He that is ungrateful has no guilt but one; all other crimes may pass for virtues in him (Edward Young Quotes)
The man who consecrates his hours By vig'rous effort and an honest aim, at once he draws the sting of life and death; he walks with nature and her paths are peace (Edward Young Quotes)
From his big heart overcharg'd with generous sorrow; see the tide working upward to his eye, and stealing from mm in large silent drops, without his leave (Edward Young Quotes)
Cares are employments; and without employ the soul is on a rack; the rack of rest, to souls most adverse; action all their joy (Edward Young Quotes)
A Deity believed, is joy begun; a Deity adored, is joy advanced; a Deity beloved, is joy matured. Each branch of piety delight inspires (Edward Young Quotes)
Thy pleasure points the shaft, and bends the bow; the cluster lasts, or bids it brightly glow (Edward Young Quotes)
High-built abundance, heap on heap! For what? To breed new wants, and beggar us the more, then, make a richer scramble for the throng (Edward Young Quotes)
Hope, like a cordial, innocent, though strong, man's heart, at once, inspirits, and serenes; nor makes him pay his wisdom for his joys (Edward Young Quotes)
Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene; resumes them, to prepare us for the next (Edward Young Quotes)
Leisure is pain; take off our chariot wheels, how heavily we drag the load of life! Blest leisure is our curse; like that of Cain, it makes us wander, wander Earth around To fly that tyrant, thought (Edward Young Quotes)
Oh, lost to virtue - lost to manly thought, lost to the noble sallies of the soul! Who think it solitude to be alone (Edward Young Quotes)
Remember that God is as near to our mouth when we speak as that man is who leans his ear to our whispers (Edward Young Quotes)
The nodding plume, which makes poor man's humiliation proud; boast of our ruin! Triumph of our dust! (Edward Young Quotes)
Virtue, our present peace, our future prize, man's unprecarious, natural estate, improvable at will, in virtue lies; its tenure sure; its income is divine (Edward Young Quotes)
Let no man trust the first false step of guilt; it hangs upon a precipice, whose steep descent in last perdition ends (Edward Young Quotes)
O how loud It calls devotion! Genuine growth of night! Devotion! Daughter of Astronomy! As undevout Astronomer is mad (Edward Young Quotes)
That chastity of look which seems to hang a veil of purest light over all her beauties, and by forbidding most inflames desire (Edward Young Quotes)