Edward Young Quotes

Text Quotes
Death is the crown of life; were death denied, poor man would live in vain; were death denied, to live would not be life; were death denied, ev'n fools would wish to die (Edward Young Quotes)
The most magnificent and costly dome, is but an upper chamber to a tomb; no spot on Earth but has supplied a grave, and human skulls the spacious ocean pave (Edward Young Quotes)
Youth is not rich in time; it may be poor; part with it as with money, sparing; pay No moment but in purchase of its worth, and what it's worth, ask death beds; they can tell (Edward Young Quotes)
How poor, how rich, how abject, how august, how complicate, how wonderful, is man! How passing wonder he, who made him such! (Edward Young Quotes)
There are no tricks in plain simple faith. - Shakespeare. Faith builds a bridge from this world to the next (Edward Young Quotes)
Reason progressive, instinct is complete; swift instinct leaps; slow reason feebly climbs. Brutes soon their zenith reach. In ages they no more could know, do, covet or enjoy (Edward Young Quotes)
Is not the mighty mind, that son of heaven! By tyrant life dethroned, imprison'd, pain'd? By death enlarg'd, ennobled, deify'd? Death but entombs the body; life the soul (Edward Young Quotes)
Give me, indulgent gods! With mind serene, and guiltless heart, to range the sylvan scene; no splendid poverty, no smiling care, no well - bred hate, or servile grandeur, there (Edward Young Quotes)
When men of infamy to grandeur soar, they light a torch to show their shame the more, those governments which curb not evils, cause! and a rich knave's a libel on our laws (Edward Young Quotes)
Night is fair virtue's immemorial friend; the conscious moon, through every distant age, has held a lamp to wisdom, and let fall on contemplation's eye her purging ray (Edward Young Quotes)
There is in poesy a decent pride, which well becomes her when she speaks to prose, her younger sister (Edward Young Quotes)
Lean not on earth; it will pierce thee to the heart; a broken reed at best; but oft a spear, on its sharp point peace bleeds and hope expires (Edward Young Quotes)
I grant the man is vain who writes for praise. Praise no man e'er deserved who sought no more (Edward Young Quotes)
Some future strain, in which the muse shall tell How science dwindles, and how volumes swell. How commentators each dark passage shun, and hold their farthing candle to the sun (Edward Young Quotes)
Who rounded in his palm these spacious orbs... Numerous as glittering gems of morning dew, or sparks from populous cities in a blaze, and set the bosom of old night on fire (Edward Young Quotes)
More hearts pine away in secret anguish for the want of kindness from those who should be their comforters than for any other calamity in life (Edward Young Quotes)
Of plain sound sense life's current coin is made; with that we drive the most substantial trade (Edward Young Quotes)
Some for hard masters, broken under arms, in battle lopt away, with half their limbs, beg bitter bread thro' realms their valour saved (Edward Young Quotes)
Horace appears in good humor while he censures, and therefore his censure has the more weight as supposed to proceed from judgment, not from passion (Edward Young Quotes)
The world's all title - page; there's no contents; the world's all face; the man who shows his heart Is hooted for his nudities, and scorn'd (Edward Young Quotes)
As in smooth oil the razor is whet, so wit is by politeness sharpest set; their want of edge from their offence is seen, both pain us least when exquisitely keen (Edward Young Quotes)
Where is the dust that has not been alive? the spade, the plough, disturb our ancestors; from human mould we reap our daily bread (Edward Young Quotes)
A time there is when like a thrice told tale, long rifled life of sweets can yield no more (Edward Young Quotes)
Confiding, though confounded; hoping on, untaught by trial, unconvinced by proof, and ever looking for the never seen (Edward Young Quotes)
Tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep! He, like the world, his ready visit pays Where fortune smiles; the wretched he forsakes (Edward Young Quotes)
First on thy friend deliberate with thyself; pause, ponder, sift; not eager in the choice; nor jealous of the chosen; fixing, fix; - judge before friendship, then confide till death (Edward Young Quotes)
Nothing exceeds in ridicule, no doubt, a fool in fashion, but a fool that's out; his passion for absurdity's so strong, he cannot bear a rival in the wrong (Edward Young Quotes)
Like birds, whose beauties languish half concealed, till, mounted on the wing, their glossy plumes expanded, shine with azure, green and gold; how blessings brighten as they take their flight (Edward Young Quotes)
Like other tyrants, death delights to smite what, smitten, most proclaims the pride of power and arbitrary nod (Edward Young Quotes)
It is falling in love with our own mistaken ideas that makes fools and beggars of half mankind (Edward Young Quotes)