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Edwardian Quotes

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I hate this image of me as a prim Edwardian. I want to shock everyone  (Edwardian Quotes) An Edwardian lady in full dress was a wonder to behold, and her preparations for viewing were awesome  (Edwardian Quotes) The show is like an Edwardian play - emotional life gets stepped on for the sake of accepted manners, and that’s terrific for actors to play in  (Edwardian Quotes) WWI is a romantic war, in all senses of the word. An entire generation of men and women left the comforts of Edwardian life to travel bravely, and sometimes even jauntily, to almost certain death. At the very least, any story or novel about WWI is about innocence shattered in the face of experience.  (Edwardian Quotes) I’ve always been drawn to the Edwardian period in England. To me, it seems like such a fascinating time, when the British Empire was at the height of its powers and the strict mores of the Victorian age were dissipating into the decadence of King Edward’s reign.  (Edwardian Quotes) The show is like an Edwardian play - emotional life gets stepped on for the sake of accepted manners, and that’s terrific for actors to play in.  (Edwardian Quotes) On the face of it, no one could have been less equipped for the job than these gently nurtured girls who walked straight out of Edwardian drawingrooms into the manifold horrors of the First World War.  (Edwardian Quotes)