Effective Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes, the more you protect your force, the less secure you may be. Sometimes, the more force is used, the less effective it is (Effective Quotes)
In relations with many domestically weak countries, a radio transmitter can be a more effective form of pressure than a squadron of B52's (Effective Quotes)
Saying just the right thing after a considerable, awkward pause is far less effective than saying the wrong thing with perfect timing. I'm telling you (Effective Quotes)
The incognito of lower class employment is an effective cloak for any dagger one might wish to hide (Effective Quotes)
By increasing the amount of Torah (obligatory religious laws) in the world, they were extending His presence in the world and making it more effective (Effective Quotes)
As any two people who have ever dressed in matching pajamas will attest, it was surprisingly effective (Effective Quotes)
For communication to be effective, especially in matters as life defining as the gospel message, truth and relevance are the two indispensable wings on which it is borne (Effective Quotes)
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment (Effective Quotes)
Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force (Effective Quotes)
Prices are important not because money is considered paramount but because prices are a fast and effective conveyor of information through a vast society in which fragmented knowledge must be coordinated (Effective Quotes)
Unfortunately, after Sept. 11, there was an outburst in America of intense suffering and patriotism, and the Bush administration was very shrewd and effective in painting anyone who disagreed with the policies as unpatriotic or even traitorous (Effective Quotes)
I believe that we were not as effective in the second term dealing with this issue of nuclear none proliferation as we had been during the first term when we stripped Libya and Iraq and A. Q. Khan and their capacity to proliferate nuclear technology (Effective Quotes)
Only in men's imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life (Effective Quotes)
Polite and velvety leaders, who take care to avoid bruising others, are generally not as effective at forcing change (Effective Quotes)
Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Science is the effective way of doing things. Business is the economic way of doing things (Effective Quotes)
The business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective (Effective Quotes)
A singular disadvantage of the sea lies in the fact that after successfully surmounting one wave you discover that there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective in the way of swamping boats (Effective Quotes)
Presidential leadership needn't always cost money. Look for low - and no cost options. They can be surprisingly effective (Effective Quotes)
Humor can be an incredible lacerating and effective weapon. And that is the way I use it (Effective Quotes)
If life becomes hard to bear we think of a change in our circumstances. But the most important and effective change, a change in our own attitude, hardly even occurs to us, and the resolution to take such a step is very difficult for us (Effective Quotes)
Any consideration of the life and larger social existence of the modern corporate man begins and also largely ends with the effect of one all-embracing force. That is organization - the highly structured assemblage of men, and now some women, of which he is a part. It is to this, at the expense of family, friends, sex, recreation and sometimes health and effective control of alcoholic intake, that he is expected to devote his energies (Effective Quotes)
No solution [to the problem of poverty] is so effective as providing income to the poor. Whether in the form of food, housing, health services, education or money, income is an excellent antidote for deprivation. No truth has spawned so much ingenious evasion (Effective Quotes)
Every new baby is a blind desperate vote for survival: people who find themselves unable to register an effective political protest against extermination do so by a biological act (Effective Quotes)
Neither democracy nor effective representation is possible until each participant in the group...devotes a measurable part of his life to furthering it's existence (Effective Quotes)
Prior art is as effective as US soldiers in Iraq: They control the ground they stand on, and nothing more. I used to say Vietnam, but, well, you know (Effective Quotes)
As I see it, fast food outfits have targeted small children with their advertising in a very effective way. You know, it's clowns and kid's toys and bright colors and things like that (Effective Quotes)
When all things are equal, translucence in writing is more effective than transparency, just as glow is more revealing than glare (Effective Quotes)
Poesy and oratory omit things not essential, and insert little beautiful digressions, in order to place everything in the most effective light (Effective Quotes)
Before anything else decided that he must instill in his subjects the fear of the gods, this being the most effective measure with an ignorant, and at that time uncultured, people (Effective Quotes)
The Spirit communicating to your spirit is the most effective and fundamental of communications. Write it down. As you write down impressions of the Spirit, more are given (Effective Quotes)