Efficient Quotes

Text Quotes
We could solve all our problems if only we were the efficient, rational human beings of standard economic theory and had politicians willing to think in the long-term interest of their people rather than their own. (Efficient Quotes)
Being an American doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed a high wage. You have to be productive, and we have to create a very low-cost, efficient place to do business, and we’ve let all that slip in America. (Efficient Quotes)
Toronto is exploding with cyclists, with more and more people wanting to cycle and being turned off driving because of the incredible congestion. Biking is a much more efficient way of getting around, and you get there faster. (Efficient Quotes)
The market is incredibly inefficient and capable on rare occasions of being utterly dysfunctional. And people have a really hard time getting their brain around that fact. They want to believe that it’s approximately efficient almost all the time, and it simply isn’t true. (Efficient Quotes)
I don’t think tablets are where we should be focused. But I do think they could end up being an efficient way of delivering textbooks. They’re just not really that, yet. There’s all sorts of poisons and mined minerals and carnage that goes on to make a tablet. Way more than to print a book. Or a bunch of books. (Efficient Quotes)
Delivery is about being more efficient, it’s about numbers, and it’s about extracting costs. (Efficient Quotes)
I balance it all by being extremely organized, and I am a very efficient delegator (Efficient Quotes)
Being efficient is the easy part. Suppressing one’s ego completely for hours at a time is really hard. (Efficient Quotes)
I do think to some extent multitasking is a way of fooling ourselves that we’re being exceptionally efficient. (Efficient Quotes)
A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. (Efficient Quotes)
I want a Mini-Cooper because it’s fuel efficient, emissions efficient and all that stuff. It’s small and better for the environment. I think that will be my next car. (Efficient Quotes)
There’s no question that my son is better prepared for college than I was. He manages his time better, is more efficient and more directed, and spends less time in lines and more time doing exactly what he sets out to do. (Efficient Quotes)
Now all politicians assume a necessity of control, the more efficient the control the better (Efficient Quotes)
It’s businesses versus big government. We don’t need big government. We need a more efficient, lean government, and that’s exactly the kind of government we intend to deliver. (Efficient Quotes)
What’s so seductive about the efficient markets hypothesis is that it applies nine years out of ten. A lot of the time it works. But when it stops working, you blow up. (Efficient Quotes)
Your body’s ability to function as a clean and efficient channel is limited by stiffness, lack of strength, and lack of endurance. Your mind’s ability is limited by the way it thinks about itself, by the way you think about you. The process of yoga is one of undoing the obstructions and limitations in your body and mind that inhibit the free flow of creative life force. (Efficient Quotes)
Our ancestors relied upon their advanced brains to survive during times of food shortage, and fortunately, the human brain is able to utilize body fat as an extremely efficient fuel to sustain function when glucose-providing food is unavailable. (Efficient Quotes)
In a couple of Ahdaf Soueif’s novels, she gets at the certain kind of English that’s being spoken by Egyptians. It’s a beautiful, expressive English but it is non-standard, broken English that happens to be efficient, eloquent, and communicates perfectly well even if it is breaking rules. (Efficient Quotes)
If the employees fundamentally trust the C.E.O., then communications will be vastly more efficient than if they don’t. Telling things as they are is a critical part of building this trust. (Efficient Quotes)
Energy, health care and education are just three examples of areas in which information and information management are critically important. How are we using our energy? What appliances in homes or business are consuming the most energy? When do they consume it? Can the load be shifted? How efficient are these devices? (Efficient Quotes)
You can make a lot of mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you’re too inefficient. (Efficient Quotes)
At Wal-Mart, it goes back to Sam Walton and the foundation and business model that we simply operate for less, or everyday low cost. We’re known for operating in a very efficient way and then giving those savings to customers. (Efficient Quotes)
A busy person is usually the most efficient because they know how to manage their time. That’s something I learned through dancing all through school and all throughout my life. (Efficient Quotes)
I have great, great confidence in our capital markets and in our financial institutions. Our financial institutions, banks and investment banks, are strong. Our capital markets are resilient. They’re efficient. They’re flexible. (Efficient Quotes)
Your normal Wall Street big-swinging Richard has enough of a lingering moral compass to at least tell himself that his wizardry benefits somebody or something besides himself. You know, his cleverness makes capital markets more efficient. It provides credit to productive enterprise. Whatever. (Efficient Quotes)
Smart development invests in insulation, efficient cars, and ever-renewed sources of energy. Dumb growth crashes around looking for more oil. (Efficient Quotes)
When I was director of the CIA, I knew that we had been - and I’m choosing my words very carefully here - effective in our expansion. We really had - expansion of government agencies and expansion of use of contractors. Effective, we were; efficient, we weren’t. And so, as director of the CIA, I went after the inefficiencies part. (Efficient Quotes)
In the studio, I don’t do a lot of work that requires repetitive activity. I spend a lot of time looking and thinking and then try to find the most efficient way to get what I want, whether it’s making a drawing or a sculpture, or casting plaster or whatever. (Efficient Quotes)
People-to-people charity is more efficient, less costly, more human and compassionate, and more likely to inspire change and self-sufficiency in the beneficiary. (Efficient Quotes)
You need more than just a great idea. Your product or service must add an enormous amount of value to some industry. If the idea isn’t completely new, it has to be better, cheaper, or more efficient than what we already have. (Efficient Quotes)