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Ego Quotes

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All you need to know and observe in yourself is this: Whenever you feel superior or inferior to anyone, that’s the ego in you  (Ego Quotes) When one is without ego, one becomes immediately free of all personal judgements, and perceives life and the world with divine eyes and mind.Nothing is offensive to them and they remain in perfect serenity and peace always  (Ego Quotes) You are not an encapsulated bag of skin dragging around a dreary little ego. You are an evolutionary wonder, a trillion cells singing together in a vast chorale, an organism – environment, a symbiosis of cell and soul  (Ego Quotes) I don’t like losing the words, as you have to, when I’m asked to turn a play into a movie. It’s not a matter of ego... I’m just better able to create the character for an audience through words rather than through actions  (Ego Quotes) It’s very hard when the product your selling to an entire country is yourself and you’re just selling the hell out of it all the time. But politicians have a tremendous amount of ego to be able to do it  (Ego Quotes) Adolescence is the period of the decisive last battle fought before maturity. The ego must achieve independence, the old emotional ties must be cast off, the new ones created  (Ego Quotes) I’ve got no ego; I just like to have thousands of people write to me and tell me how wonderful I am  (Ego Quotes) I’ve never once in my life known a person who was successful who didn’t have a big ego. Ego’s not a bad thing  (Ego Quotes) Psychologically, when I sit down at noon, I’m it. I’m the only thing on. Nobody else does what I do. Nobody else has the opportunity. That’s the psychological mindset. It’s not an ego thing; it’s just the way I’ve always approached it  (Ego Quotes) Women in politics are more honest and forthright. We are not in it for the ego gratification  (Ego Quotes) The goal of individuation is wholeness, as much as we can accomplish, not the triumph of the ego  (Ego Quotes) There’s something real in women’s intuition. It’s an accurate signpost for decision making, but it usually bumps up against man’s logic. So we have to put ego aside and listen to them  (Ego Quotes) I have a big ego, but I don’t buy into it. I can’t live off the ego. It’s an honor that I get to be that guy onstage. It’s not something I earned  (Ego Quotes) Hollywood is so governed by the ego, and I never wanted to fall into that trap  (Ego Quotes) Human beings have become so afraid of the unknown, themselves, and each other that they deprive themselves of that innate ecstasy and love of life which comes with a human body, mind and spirit, by hiding behind the empty shell of their ego  (Ego Quotes) I’ve been writing books without ego for a very long time. I feel like it will get what it deserves. Or won’t get what it doesn’t deserve  (Ego Quotes) Always keep your ego in check and not be afraid to listen. Listening is a great art form  (Ego Quotes) Our practice rather than being about killing the ego is about simply discovering our true nature  (Ego Quotes) Honesty is about the scars. Its about the blemishes. But its more than just bragging about failure, which could be a form of ego. Its about truly helping people  (Ego Quotes) From compassion springs humility. The ego is verily a gateway to hell. The person who is egoistic is far from being religious  (Ego Quotes) Art is based on emotion, but being macho is based on ego; the wall protecting that emotion  (Ego Quotes) I never have an alter ego in the movies. That’s a fiction that the press has made up over the years, and it’s fun to write that. It gives them something to write  (Ego Quotes) I have found that the more I get my ego out of a picture and the more I think about how can I serve other people instead of always thinking about me, the more miracles show up  (Ego Quotes) If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience  (Ego Quotes) Magic is the envelopment and coercion of the objective world by the ego; it is a dynamic subjectivism. Religion is the coercion ofthe ego by gods and spirits who are objectively conceived beings in control of nature and man  (Ego Quotes) You have to learn how to turn the tables on the ego. The only way to forgive what is within is to forgive what seems to be without  (Ego Quotes) All I can be is who I am right now; I can experience that and work with it. That’s all I can do. The rest is the dream of the ego  (Ego Quotes) Yes, whatever happened, happened; but what happens now is up to you. You can respond from ego, ensuring pain, or you can respond from spirit, ensuring a miracle  (Ego Quotes) The existence of the writer is an argument against the existence of the soul, for the soul has obviously taken flight from the real ego, but not improved itself, only become a writer  (Ego Quotes) Always thinks of the other; ego thinks only of oneself. Love is always considerate; ego is absolutely inconsiderate. Ego has only one language and that is of self. Ego always uses the other; love is ready to be used, love is ready to serve  (Ego Quotes)
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