Election Quotes

Text Quotes
I ran on the platform of moderation and won the election by a large margin. By virtue of the strong mandate that I received from the electorate, I am committed to operating in the framework of moderation, which calls inter alia for a balance between realism and the pursuit of the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran. (Election Quotes)
I am so happy and proud to learn of Hideo Nomo’s election to the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame. He was quite a pitcher and competitor, but he is also a very special and caring person. (Election Quotes)
I’m into politics - I’m interested in the election and how pissed off people get (Election Quotes)
Jews bear children not only because the carnal election of Abraham must continue. For Jews, raising children is essential to living a rounded ethical life. (Election Quotes)
We the people say it loud and clear every Election Day, in high-crime periods as well as peaceful stretches - More of our population needs to be behind bars. (Election Quotes)
We think that democracy can change a lot of things, but we’re being fooled, because democracy is not the election. We’ve been taught that democracy is having elections. And it isn’t. Elections are the most horrendous aspect of democracy. It’s the most mundane, trivial, disappointing, dirty aspect. (Election Quotes)
The 1994 elections that brought Newt Gingrich to power in the House decisively shaped the remaining years of Bill Clinton’s presidency, pushing him further to the right and bringing out his latent tendency to govern every day as if an election were being held the next. (Election Quotes)
We need election reform because our elections are being stolen. And these huge powerful voting machine vending companies have privatized the election process in our country. (Election Quotes)
None of the modes by which a magistrate is appointed, popular election, the accident of the lot, or the accident of birth, affords, as far as we can perceive, much security for his being wiser than any of his neighbours. (Election Quotes)
This election [2016], and I believe this, is our last chance to secure the border, stop illegal immigration and reform our laws to make your life better. (Election Quotes)
During my election campaign I was not giving out empty promises, but invited every member of society to join the efforts to work for a better life in Lithuania. (Election Quotes)
It is our job, as members of parliament, to legislate with an eye to the long term future, to look over the horizon beyond the next election and ensure that as far as we can what we do today will make Australia a better place, a safer place, for future generations to live in. (Election Quotes)
What was this big sound bite, though, at the time? It was, Will Donald Trump and his supporters accept the election results. He won. (Election Quotes)
Newt Gingrich called it [Donald] Trump`s biggest mistake since he won the election, these crazy accusations about voter fraud. (Election Quotes)
If Congress can move President’s Day, Columbus Day and, alas, Martin Luther King’s Birthday celebration for the convenience of shoppers, shouldn’t they at least consider moving Election Day for the convenience of voters? (Election Quotes)
I had great admiration for the election of President Obama. I believe that the U.S. at that moment showed tremendous capacity to show that it is a great nation, and it surprised the world. It may be very difficult to be able to elect a black president in the U.S. - as it was very difficult to elect a woman president in Brazil. (Election Quotes)
When you lose an election, you don’t blink, you don’t turn away. You look it right in the eye and say, why did we lose? (Election Quotes)
My father passed away a few days before my election. This man, an African American born to a poor single mother in 1936 in the South, would worry in the last years of his life that he had better life chances when he was growing up than a young man born in the same circumstances would have today. (Election Quotes)
I would love us to bring back our Juedo-Christian values and begin to teach those things, at a time other than a political election. (Election Quotes)
What I hope is in five years’ time, I can go to the British people in the election and say: Lots of you doubted that coalition politics worked, but it has worked. (Election Quotes)
Democracy is not something that happens, you know, just at election time, and it’s not something that happens just with one event. It’s an ongoing building process. But it also ought to be a part of our culture, a part of our lives. (Election Quotes)
As one [Jeb] Bush supporter told Politico, you might as well light all of this money [for election compaign] on fire. (Election Quotes)
We have been spending beyond our means, we are going to focus on the projects that we committed to in the election but importantly if there is additional projects or new things that come up they have to have a business case, they have to work and they can’t impose financial stress on families and private individuals and businesses. (Election Quotes)
Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election. (Election Quotes)
There are two reforms that we need to restore our democracy. The first is campaign finance. We need to get the corporate money out of the election process. And second, we need to resolve the dysfunction in the environment. Looters are running agencies that are supposed to be protecting us from pollution. (Election Quotes)
After thinking carefully about how I can best help my fellow Minnesotans, I have decided to not seek election for a different office in 2014. The warm encouragement from many people to run for U.S. senator or the governorship was deeply humbling. (Election Quotes)
Maybe [Donald Trump] is just never dealt with somebody who’s not particularly impressed by his carrying on, but I’m not. So I’m going to stay focused on what’s at stake in this election. (Election Quotes)
I know it’s - this is this insane analysis. Hillary Clinton lost the election because her ideas were bad. She didn’t fit the electorate. She ignored states that she shouldn’t have, and Donald Trump was the change agent, OK? (Election Quotes)
Ultimately, you change the culture in Washington only one way, and it’s one election at a time, with the character of the people you send. (Election Quotes)
I know when we were making the film [ Age Of Trump] that we knew that there was going to be some kind of radical change coming on the horizon. That’s why it was important for us to get it out before the election. (Election Quotes)