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Elegy Quotes

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A word is elegy to what it signifies  (Elegy Quotes) Travel is a caprice in childhood, a passion in youth, a necessity in manhood, and an elegy in old age  (Elegy Quotes) It seems to me that, with but slight reserve and modification, we may apply to our departed friend his own pathetic and beautiful elegy upon another  (Elegy Quotes) Sooner or later, all the peoples of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood  (Elegy Quotes) Regret is a short, evocative and achingly beautiful word: an elegy to lost possibilities even in its brief annunciation.  (Elegy Quotes) We have an obligation to feel guilty. The words came out of her lips as if she were reciting an elegy. Guilty. Because we kill the ones we love.  (Elegy Quotes)