Elements Quotes

Text Quotes
Successful... politicians are insecure and intimidated men. They advance politically only as they placate, appease, bribe, seduce, bamboozle or otherwise manage to manipulate the demanding and threatening elements in their constituencies (Elements Quotes)
It is much better to learn the elements of geology, of botany, or ornithology and astronomy by word of mouth from a companion than dully from a book (Elements Quotes)
Thought ceases in meditation; even the mind’s elements are quite quiet. Blood circulation stops. His breath stops, but he is not dead (Elements Quotes)
The very elements of what constitutes good nursing are as little understood for the well as for the sick. The same laws of health, or of nursing, for they are in reality the same, obtain among the well as among the sick (Elements Quotes)
I don’t write easily or rapidly. My first draft usually has only a few elements worth keeping. I have to find what those are and build from them and throw out what doesn’t work, or what simply is not alive (Elements Quotes)
Care and responsibility are constituent elements of love, but without respect for and knowledge of the beloved person, love deteriorates into domination and possessiveness (Elements Quotes)
Beauty depends on purpose. It is in the elements best suited to their purpose or aim that beauty shines forth most strongly (Elements Quotes)
The use of expressive colors is felt to be one of the basic elements of the modern mentality, an historical necessity, beyond choice (Elements Quotes)
This is no science, this is art, where equations fall away to elements like resolving chords, and where always prevails a symmetry either explicit or multiplex, but always of a crystalline serenity (Elements Quotes)
Visiting stores and testing products is one of the critical elements of the analyst’s job (Elements Quotes)
The human emotional system can be broken down into roughly two elements: fear and love. Love is of the soul. Fear is of the personality (Elements Quotes)
Throughout your life, your inner landscape presents its contents to you again and again. When you are aware of all its elements, you are in continual communication with your soul (Elements Quotes)
The elements of instruction should be presented to the mind in childhood, but not with any compulsion (Elements Quotes)
Two elements of successful leadership: a willingness to be wrong and an eagerness to admit it (Elements Quotes)
Whatever the intellectual quality of the education given our children, it is vital that it include elements of love and compassion, for nothing guarantees that knowledge alone will be truly useful to human beings (Elements Quotes)
Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body (Elements Quotes)
Creativity has much to do with experience, observation and imagination, and if any one of those key elements is missing, it doesn’t work (Elements Quotes)
You can expand, repeat, even change keys and do other things electronically to give certain elements and phrases more cohesiveness (Elements Quotes)
Of the four elements water is the second in weight and the second in respect of mobility. It is never at rest until it unites with the sea (Elements Quotes)
I believe a person of any fine feeling scarcely ever sees a new face without a sensation akin to a shock, for the reason that it presents a new and surprising combination of unedifying elements (Elements Quotes)
Matter is, in its constituent elements, the same as spirit; existence is one, however manifold in its phenomena; life is one, however multiform in its evolution (Elements Quotes)
The great end of all human industry is the attainment of happiness. For this were arts invented, sciences cultivated, laws ordained, and societies modeled, by the most profound wisdom of patriots and legislators. Even the lonely savage, who lies exposed to the inclemency of the elements and the fury of wild beasts, forgets not, for a moment, this grand object of his being (Elements Quotes)
Each little thing that we do passes into the great machine of life which may grind our virtues to powder and make them worthless, or transform our sins into elements of a new civilization, more marvelous and more splendid than any that has gone before (Elements Quotes)
I don’t go on set with an army of people because the most expensive elements of a movie production are the plane tickets, the hotel rooms, food and gasoline. If you’re willing to discover new colleagues in the place that you are, you can save a ton of money (Elements Quotes)
No doubt very few people understand the purely subjective nature of the phenomenon that we call love, or how it creates, so to speak, a supplementary person, distinct from the person whom the world knows by the same name, a person most of whose constituent elements are derived from ourselves (Elements Quotes)
To give freedom is still more easy. It is not necessary to guide; it only requires to let go the rein. But to form a free government; that is, to temper together these opposite elements of liberty and restraint in one work, requires much thought, deep reflection, a sagacious, powerful, and combining mind (Elements Quotes)
Think of the actual physical elements that compose our bodies: we are 98 percent hydrogen and oxygen and carbon. That’s table sugar. You are made of the same stuff as table sugar. Just a couple of tiny differences here and there and look what happened to the sugar: it can stand upright and send tweets (Elements Quotes)
Ecstasy is a complex emotion containing elements of joy, fear, terror, triumph, surrender, and empathy. What has replaced our prehistoric understanding of this complex of ecstasy now is the word comfort, a tremendously bloodless notion. Drugs are not comfortable, and anyone who thinks they are comfortable or even escapist should not toy with drugs unless they’re willing to get their noses rubbed in their own stuff (Elements Quotes)
Meditation is nothing but an effort to drop all the foreign elements so that you can see yourself as you were before you were born, mirrored in its purity. It is a great silence and a great joy to be there, and once you start abiding there, there is no death and no time. All fear, all greed, all anger, disappears: one is just there with no idea, no desire (Elements Quotes)
Science sees the process of evolution from the outside, as one might a train of cars going by, and resolves it into the physical and mechanical elements, without getting any nearer the reason of its going by, or the point of its departure or destination (Elements Quotes)