Elia M Ramollah Quotes
Text Quotes
Successful role models in any path have travelled a distance in which you might go through it. Therefore use the best paths that are similar to those ones who were successful in it (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Don’t do whatever you are able of, however try to do whatever you are capable of, the best you can; your boundaries are flexible try to move to upper levels (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Never start from zero. Always start from where the greatest have finished. Your starting point should be the finishing point of the others (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Solve the big problems inside the small ones. And it is from the small issues that a pattern can be shaped in solving the big ones (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
To manage, learn your management skills from the greatest managers and those who were perfectionist by reading their failures (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
To withstand in front of danger, close the chances of growth of the risks, first stop the flow of the danger and then analyse the risks that have occurred and the ones that have not taken place yet (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Do not limit yourself between black and white, there are thousands of colours in between of them, same process for the yes and no answers, or able and not able (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Look at the problems such as they are issues, and see those issues as they are opportunities and you have to step into them (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Start from where the others have finished, those whom where successful and their results were acceptable. Useless repeating of a task is not suggested (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Be ready for the revelation of the truth (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Before you want to teach someone, try to find his character and know him, without knowing someone how it is possible to flow with his thoughts and put yourself in his position (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Be awakened. Accept the reality and eliminate delusions (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
See, hear and perceive (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Return to the divine presence and make others return to it (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Perceive the divine presence and be freed (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Live lovingly in the divine presence (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Live according to the one and only truth and surrender to the trend of truth (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
If you see what you say, then whatever heard from you, can be seen and visualized by your audience (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Do not forget that others won’t see the problems the way you look at or vice versa (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Try to solve the issues from their root. Leaves and branches are not as necessary and important (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Write and bulletin your thoughts on paper so it would be like bulletins in your brain too (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Figure out the priorities so you wouldn’t fall into the trap of untimely priorities (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)
Do not kill your ego and do not let your ego to kill you. Control your ego and rule over it (Elia M Ramollah Quotes)