Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes

Text Quotes
At painful times, when composition is impossible and reading is not enough, grammars and dictionaries are excellent for distraction (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
First time he kissed me, he but only kissed the fingers of this hand wherewith I write; and, ever since, it grew more clean and white (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers, and thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face, a gauntlet with a gift in it (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
How many desolate creatures on the Earth have learnt the simple dues of fellowship and social comfort, in a hospital (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
World's use is cold, world's love is vain, world's cruelty is bitter bane; but is not the fruit of pain (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
You were made perfectly to be loved - and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Do ye hear the children weeping, o my brothers, ere the sorrow comes with years? They are leaning their young heads against their mothers - and that cannot stop their tears (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Therefore to this dog will i, tenderly not scornfully, render praise and favor: with my hand upon his head, is my benediction said therefore and for ever (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Yes, I answered you last night; No, this morning, sir, I say. Colours seen by candlelight, Will not look the same by day (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Speak low to me, my saviour, low and sweet, from out the hallelujahs, sweet and low, lest I should fear, and fall, and miss thee so, who art not missed by any that entreat (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
But since he had the genuis to be loved, why let him have the justice to be honoured in his grave (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
There Shakespeare, on whose forehead climb the crowns o' the world; oh, eyes sublime with tears and laughter for all time! (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Guess now who holds thee? Death, I said. But there the silver answer rang - not death, but love (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Hush, call no echo up in further proof of desolation! There's a voice within that weeps... As thou must sing... Alone, aloof (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Instruct me how to thank thee! Oh, to shoot My soul's full meaning into future years, That they should lend it utterance, and salute Love that endures, from life that disappears! (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Good critics, who have stamped out poets' hope, good statesmen, who pulled ruin on the state, good patriots, who for a theory risked a cause (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
That he, in his developed manhood, stood a little sunburnt by the glare of life; while i.. It seemed no sun had shone on me (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Whatever's lost, it first was won; we will not struggle nor impugn. Perhaps the cup was broken here, that heaven's new wine might show more clear. I praise thee while my days go on (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life! - and if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Every age, through being beheld too close, is ill - discerned by those who have not lived past it (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Like some small nimble mouse between the ribs Of a mastodon, I nibbled here and there At this or that box, pulling through the gap, in heats of terror, haste, victorious joy, the first book first (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Happy are all free peoples, too strong to be dispossessed. But blessed are those among nations who dare to be strong for the rest! (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
What monster have we here? A great deed at this hour of day? A great just deed - and not for pay? Absurd - or insincere? (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
This race is never grateful: from the first, one fills their cup at supper with pure wine, which back they give at cross time on a sponge, in bitter vinegar (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
I think it frets the saints in heaven to see how many desolate creatures on the Earth have learnt the simple dues of fellowship and social comfort, in a hospital (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Hurt a fly! He would not for the world: he's pitiful to flies even. Sing, says he, and tease me still, if that's your way, poor insect (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
Let no one till his death be called unhappy. Measure not the work until the day's out and the labor done (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
The place is all awave with trees, limes, myrtles, purple beaded, acacias having drunk the lees Of the night dew, fain headed, and wan, grey olive woods, which seem the fittest foliage for a dream (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
In our age faith and charity are found, but they are found apart. We tolerate everybody, because we doubt everything; or else we tolerate nobody, because we believe something (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)
A worthless woman! Mere cold clay as all false things are! But so fair, she takes the breath of men away who gaze upon her unaware: I would not play her larcenous tricks to have her looks! (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes)