Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes

Text Quotes
Progress is the victory of a new thought over old superstitions (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
The best protection any woman can have... is courage. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
The history of the past is but one long struggle upward to equality (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
The queens in history compare favorably with the kings (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
No privileged order ever did see the wrongs of its own victims (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
All who live to a good old age have a genius for sleep (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
The great fault of mankind is that it will not think (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Woman has been the great unpaid laborer of the world (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Men as a general rule have very little reverence for trees (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
I have met few men in my life, worth repeating eight times (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
How long will the heathens rage? (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
All men and women are created equal (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
A woman will always be dependent until she holds a purse of her own (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
It is the inalienable right of all to be happy (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
So long as women are slaves, men will be knaves (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
But the love of offspring... tender and beautiful as it is, can not as sentiment rank with conjugal love (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Because man and woman are the complement of one another, we need woman’s thought in national affairs to make a safe and stable government (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
I see by the papers that you have once more stirred that pool of intellectual stagnation, the educational convention (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
There is a solitude, which each and every one of us has always carried with him, more inaccessible than the ice-cold mountains, more profound than the midnight sea; the solitude of self. Our inner being, which we call ourself, no eye nor touch of man or angel has ever pierced (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
It was just so in the American Revolution, in 1776, the first delicacy the men threw overboard in Boston harbor was the tea, woman’s favorite beverage. The tobacco and whiskey, though heavily taxed, they clung to with the tenacity of the devil-fish (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
A man in love will jump to pick up a glove or a bouquet for a silly girl of sixteen, whilst at home he will permit his aged mother to carry pails of water and armfuls of wood, or his wife to lug a twenty-pound baby, hour after hour, without ever offe (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
I want to say one word to the men who are present. I fear you think the ‘new woman’ is going to wipe you off the planet, but be not afraid. All who have mothers, sisters, wives or sweethearts will be very well looked after (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Well, another female child is born into the world! Last Sunday afternoon, Harriot Eaton Stanton - oh! the little heretic thus to desecrate that holy holiday - opened her soft blue eyes on this mundane sphere (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
How can any woman believe that a loving and merciful God would, in one breath, command Eve to multiply and replenish the earth, and in the next, pronounce a curse upon her maternity? I do not believe that God inspired the Mosaic code, or gave out the laws about women which he is accused of doing (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
It is often asserted that woman owes all the advantages of the position she occupies to-day to Christianity, but the facts of history show that the Christian Church has done nothing specifically for woman’s elevation. In the general march of civilization, she has necessarily reaped the advantage of man’s higher development, but we must not claim for Christianity all that has been achieved by science, discovery and invention (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Everyone in the full enjoyment of all the blessings of his life, in his normal condition, feels some individual responsibility forthe poverty of others. When the sympathies are not blunted by any false philosophy, one feels reproached by one’s own abundance (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
They who say that women do not desire the right of suffrage, that they prefer masculine domination to self-government, falsify every page of history, every fact in human experience. It has taken the whole power of the civil and canon law to hold woman in the subordinate position which it is said she willingly accepts (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility. Nothing adds such dignity to character as the recognition of one’s self-sovereignty; the right to an equal place, everywhere conceded--a place earned by personal merit, not an artificial attainment by inheritance, wealth, family and position (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)
... so long as woman labors to second man’s endeavors and exalt his sex above her own, her virtues pass unquestioned; but when shedares to demand rights and privileges for herself, her motives, manners, dress, personal appearance, and character are subjects for ridicule and detraction (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quotes)