Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes

Text Quotes
Nothing like the act of eating for equalizing men. Dying is nothing to it (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
As she realized what might have been, she grew to be thankful for what was (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
He loved her, and would love her; and defy her, and this miserable bodily pain (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and advisor when his absolute rule shall cease (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Madam your wife and I didn't hit it off the only time I ever saw her. I won't say she was silly, but I think one of us was silly, and it wasn't me (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Trust a girl of sixteen for knowing well if she is pretty; concerning her plainness she may be ignorant (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
It is odd enough to see how the entrance of a person of the opposite sex into an assemblage of either men or women calms down the little discordances and the disturbance of mood (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Economy was always elegant, and money spending always vulgar and ostentatious; a sort of sour grapeism, which made us very peaceful and satisfied (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
He had not an ounce of superfluous flesh on his bones, and leanness goes a great way towards gentility (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
There are some fields near Manchester, well known to the inhabitants as Green Heys Fields, through which runs a public footpath to a little village about two miles distant (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Loyalty and obedience to wisdom and justice are fine; but it is still finer to defy arbitrary power, unjustly and cruelly used - not on behalf of ourselves, but on behalf of others more helpless (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
It seemed to me that where others had prayed before to their God, in their joy or in their agony, was of itself a sacred place (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Margaret was not a ready lover, but where she loved she loved passionately, and with no small degree of jealousy (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Similarity of opinion is not always - I think not often - needed for fullness and perfection of love (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
But I was right. I think that must be an hereditary quality, for my father says he is scarcely ever wrong (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Those who are happy and successful themselves are too apt to make light of the misfortunes of others (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
I do not look on self indulgent, sensual people as worthy of my hatred; I simply look upon them with contempt for their poorness of character (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
If they came sorrowing, and wanting sympathy in a complicated trouble like the present, then they would be felt as a shadow in all these houses of intimate acquaintances, not friends (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Wearily she went to bed, wearily she arose in four or five hours' time. But with the morning came hope, and a brighter view of things (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Only you're right in saying she's too good an opinion of herself to think of you. The saucy jade! I should like to know where she'd find a better! (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
And so she shuddered away from the threat of his enduring love. What did he mean? Had she not the power to daunt him? She would see. It was more daring than became a man to threaten her (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
She had a fierce pleasure in the idea of telling Margaret unwelcome truths, in the shape of performance of duty (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Thinking has, many a time, made me sad, darling; but doing never did in all my life.... My precept is, do something, my sister, do good if you can; but at any rate, do something (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Come! Poor little heart! Be cheery and brave. We'll be a great deal to one another, if we are thrown off and left desolate (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
He shook hands with Margaret. He knew it was the first time their hands had met, though she was perfectly unconscious of the fact (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
He swallowed down the dry choking sobs which had been heaving up from his heart hitherto (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Mother's love is given by God, John. It holds fast for ever and ever. A girl's love is like a puff of smoke, it changes with every wind (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Correspondence, which bears much the same relation to personal intercourse that the books of dried plats I sometimes see do to the living and fresh flowers in the lanes and meadows (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
People admire talent, and talk about their admiration. But they value common sense without talking about it, and often without knowing it (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)
Errands of mercy errands of sin, did you ever think where all the thousands of people you daily meet are bound? (Elizabeth Gaskell Quotes)