Ellen Glasgow Quotes

Text Quotes
It is difficult to deal successfully, he decided, with a woman whose feelings cannot be hurt (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
One cannot lay a foundation by scattering stones, nor is a reputation for good work to be got by strewing volumes about the world (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
The government’s like a mule, it’s slow and it’s sure; it’s slow to turn, and it’s sure to turn the way you don’t want it (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Idealism, that gaudy coloring matter of passion, fades when it is brought beneath the trenchant white light of knowledge. Ideals, like mountains, are best at a distance (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Knowledge, like experience, is valid in fiction only after it has dissolved and filtered down through the imagination into reality (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
I suppose I am a born novelist, for the things I imagine are more vital and vivid to me than the things I remember (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
No, one couldn’t make a revolution, one couldn’t even start a riot, with sheep that asked only for better browsing (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
A doctrine of endurance flows easily from our lips when we are enduring jam and our neighbors dry bread, and it is still possible for us to become resigned to the afflictions of our brother (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
But, of course only morons would ever think or speak of themselves as intellectuals. That’s why they all look so sad (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Nothing, except the weather report or a general maxim of conduct, is so unsafe to rely upon as a theory of fiction (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
To be honest and yet popular is almost as difficult in literature as it is in life (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Of one thing alone I am very sure: it is a law of our nature that the memory of longing should survive the more fugitive memory of fulfillment (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
What fools people are when they think they can make two lives belong together by saying words over them (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
What depresses me is the inevitable way the second rate forges ahead and the deserving is left behind (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
It is wiser to be conventionally immoral than unconventionally moral. It isn’t the immorality they object to, but the originality (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Life has taught me that the greatest tragedy is not to die too soon but to live too long (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Passion alone could destroy passion. All the thinking in the world could not make so much as a dent in its surface (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Like all born politicians, their eye was for the main chance rather than for the argument, and they found it easier to forswear a conviction than to forego a comfort (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
You could have forgiven my committing a sin if you hadn’t feared that I had a committed a pleasure as well (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
So long as one is able to pose one has still much to learn about suffering (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
There are times when life surprises one, and anything may happen, even what one had hoped for (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
I have written chiefly because, though I have often dreaded the necessity, I have found it more painful, in the end, not to write (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Yes, I learned long ago that the only satisfaction of authorship lies in finding the very few who understand what we mean. As for outside rewards, there is not one that I have ever discovered (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Give the young half a chance and they will create their own future, they will even create their own heaven and earth (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
The transcendental point of view, the habit of thought bred by communion with earth and sky, had refined the grain while it had roughened the husk (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
... the life of the mind is reality, and love without romantic illumination is a spiritless matter (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
I would write of the universal, not the provincial, in human nature... I would write of characters, not of characteristics (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
Insolent youth rides, now, in the whirlwind. For those modern iconoclasts who are without culture possess, apparently, all the courage (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
What I hated even more than the conflict was the lurid spectacle of a world of unreason (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)
The world of the egotist is, inevitably, a narrow world, and the boundaries of self are limited to the close horizon of personality... But, within this horizon, there is room for many attributes that are excellent (Ellen Glasgow Quotes)