Ellen Hopkins Quotes

Text Quotes
Love is like that. I could crush her beneath the weight of confession (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Why doesn’t love come with an owner’s manual? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Certain of misfire, my heart threatens to stop (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
When I’m with you my blood flows smoothly through (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I get so nervous when I’m around you I start to studder (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Life before the monster (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Real love finds you once, if you’re lucky (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
You’ll only find happy endings in books. Some books (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
... a perfect paper airplane (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Sometimes the little things in life mean the most (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Was the fun in the fall? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
When all choice is taken from you, life becomes a game of survival (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Just keep on shining that light. The rest will take care of itself (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
There will never be color blindness in a culture of fear (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Ghosts don’t scare me. Flesh and blood people do (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Yeah, I know getting high isn’t so smart. Ask me if I care (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
The love of her life dissolved into dreams (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
When all else fails, dream bigger (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
One kiss, I was totally hooked (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
A best friend is your voice when you can’t find it (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Love without trust is nothing more than infatuation (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Even good girls have secrets, ones even their best friends must guess (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I needed to see, needed to know, needed a whole lot more (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Life is full of choices. We don’t always make good ones (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
You gotta be crazy to open your windows, invite the demons in (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I fell for a boy from the wrong side of the tracks (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
You can turn your back but you can never really walk away (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Would I drown saving him? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I’d like to cry now. Don’t know how (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Love can complete you. It can also destroy you (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)