Ellen Hopkins Quotes

Text Quotes
Forever has no meaning when you’re living in the moment. I wasn’t ready for that moment to end (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
One foot in front of the other, counting tiles on the floor so I don’t have to focus the blur of painted smiles, fake faces (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Too much to take in, too much to purge. Why must every memory, once sweet, dead end in such ugliness? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Your life doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to the people that love you (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Torch every book. Burn every page. Char every word to ash. Ideas are incombustible. And therein lies your real fear (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
How can I explain purposely setting foot on a path so blatantly treacherous? Was the fun in the fall? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I still care for you, you know.. That phrase again. Everyone cares for me. They just don’t know how to love me (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Or might the soul clone itself, create a perfect imitation of something yet to be defined? In this way, can a reflection be altered? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I expected demands. he gifted me with tenderness. I expected ego. he let me experiment. I expected disrespect. he called me beautiful. I expected him to expect perfection. he taught me all I needed to know (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I do have friends, but they don’t know me, only someone I’ve created to take my place. Someone sculpted from ice. I keep the melted me bottled up inside. Where no one can touch her, until, unbidden, she comes pouring out (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I know he wants to get serious. He’s definitely not a player, not a poser, not a loser, not a user (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I don’t think we’ll get caught, but the very possibility is half the fun (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
The more I think about it, the more I believe there has to be a subtle yet satisfying method of revenge (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
School used to be an escape. Now it’s just another place with too much pressure, too much confrontation, and so not enough joy (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
How odd, to suddenly glimpse a facet of me I didn’t know existed. I guess it really isn’t all that unusual to surprise oneself with an ugly bit of ego (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Despite whoever created it, it’s my world, and the only one I’ve got. Might as well make the best of it, right? Might as well have a little fun while I’m here. Or a lot of fun. Might be dead tomorrow (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I want to open myself, let him inside. But how do I give what has already been taken? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
I am different. And I don’t understand exactly how. And I don’t understand just why (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
You believe this is a game, and you may be right. But if you think you can play it better than me, think again (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
My happiest memories have no place in the past; they are those I have yet to create (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
This is unstoppable, no holds barred. This is beautiful. Crazy. A beginning. Betrayal. Addictive. Aggressive. Alive. This is something to be afraid of (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Then teach me how to not care about someone who was everything to me. All I want is to know she’s okay. Is that too much to ask? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Always before, I just said no, left it solidly there. I waver now. I want to share everything with him. Want to know what he knows, feel what he feels, share the same space he’s in (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Is it wrong to leave relative security in favor of unknown risk at the side of someone you love? (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
My priest tells me I should not date a mormon but I’m just too in love with you that I’m willing to take risks (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Because to tell you the truth, most of the time dying seems pretty much like my only means of escape (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Forever made that kiss stand out in my mind, touch my heart, make me remember a kiss so tender (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Anger is a valid emotion. It’s only bad when it takes control and makes you do things you don’t want to do (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Falling in love with someone is the surest highway to hurt that I know. When the door to love opens, the window to control closes (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)
Six months since we met up again we are inseparable, an intricate weave. No longer do I believe this is a temporary fling. More like total commitment. More like I have walked down the aisle, holding hands with the monster (Ellen Hopkins Quotes)