Elliott Abrams Quotes

Text Quotes
The early reviews of Dick Cheney’s memoir have not evaluated the book, but instead have used its publication as an occasion for attacks on Cheney and his record, with general assaults on George W. Bush’s administration thrown in for good measure. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Refusing to lift sanctions and adopting tougher rhetoric toward Iran would not be partisan issues. Plenty of Democrats think that those actions are both good politics and good policy. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
The United States treated Gaddafi as an enemy due to his support for terrorism against us, until a rapprochement of sorts began under Pres. George W. Bush at the very end of 2003. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
If the president of the United States says that attacks on civilians, starvation, and denial of religious freedom in Sudan are important international issues, they become so. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
At Guantanamo Bay, we could create a West Berlin, a free small city within the Communist nation that could trade freely with the U.S. and elect its own officials. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
For decades, the Arab states have seemed exceptions to the laws of politics and human nature. While liberty expanded in many parts of the globe, these nations were left behind, their ‘freedom deficit’ signaling the political underdevelopment that accompanied many other economic and social maladies. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
President Bush met repeatedly with human rights activists and freedom fighters from all over the world to give them encouragement and protection and to advance their cause. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
We need to understand that an open society and free speech and press... really are the best weapons against al Qaeda and extremism. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
I well remember a leading Egyptian liberal saying to me in 2003 that she did not favor free elections right then in Egypt; she favored them in a decade’s time if she and others had those 10 years to organize freely. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
It is a keen measure of the fall of American influence in the region when a Palestinian leader responds to intense American pressure to go to the negotiating table by waiting to see if Arab League foreign ministers will let him take that step. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
There is no softer target in GOP primaries than the United Nations and foreign-aid spending (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
An effective U.S. policy toward Sudan - one capable of changing the situation in the south and affecting the lives of its people - will require top-level attention and a great deal of energy. It should have three elements: aid, diplomacy, and financial disclosure. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
While all Alawites fear vengeance against their entire community should Assad fall, there are varying degrees of loyalty to the Assads. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Obama isn’t good off the cuff, especially when challenged; he is far better with a prepared speech. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Libya as a country is a relatively new concept. The period of Libya as a modern nation really starts after World War II (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
The good Jew is ritually observant and resists assimilation, in some sense living apart, never fitting comfortably into American or any other society. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
American power remains today what it was in the Second World War and the Cold War: the greatest force for freedom in the world. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
While foreign competitors, French or Japanese or German, merrily bid for contracts abroad, American companies find themselves tangled in a web of legislation designed to express disapproval, block trade in certain commodities, or perhaps deny resources to disfavored or hostile regimes. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
The Middle East that Obama inherited in 2009 was largely at peace, for the surge in Iraq had beaten down the al Qaeda-linked groups. U.S. relations with traditional allies in the Gulf, Jordan, Israel and Egypt were very good. Iran was contained, its Revolutionary Guard forces at home. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Al Qaeda’s message that violence, terrorism and extremism are the only answer for Arabs seeking dignity and hope is being rejected each day in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and throughout the Arab lands. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
The fake republics are goners; the monarchies have a fighting chance. That’s my conclusion after a short visit to the Middle East and discussions with officials and analysts there. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
The question was never whether the United States, E.U., NATO, Arab League, U.N. Security Council, and African Union could together using economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure, and military attacks to bring Qaddafi down. The question was always how much time, how much blood, and what damage to NATO. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Now in its third year in office, the Obama Administration has never championed the cause of human rights. Its slow reaction in June 2009 to the stealing of the election in Iran and the birth of the ‘Green Movement’ there, and its delay in backing the rebellions in Egypt, Libya, and Syria, are evidence of this problem (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Cheney’s memoir is not about 9/11, or solely about Bush’s administration, but about his entire life and political career. (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
In Iran, there is no freedom of the press, no freedom of speech, no independent judiciary, no free elections. There is no freedom of religion - not even for Shiites, who are forced by Irans theocracy to adhere to one narrow set of official rules (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
Two presidents pursued human rights policies that were serious and effective: Reagan and George W. Bush. They understood that American support for human rights activists is a moral imperative for us and also makes the world safer for us (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
It seems clear to me that the Obama Administration has no human rights policy. That is, while in some inchoate sense they would like respect for human rights to grow around the world, as all Americans would, they have no actual policy to achieve that goal - and they subordinate it to all their other policy goals (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
I grew up in Queens, in New York City, in a middle class Jewish family. My mother was a public school teacher, my father was a lawyer. They were Democrats - kind of middle-of-the-road democrats (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
There isn’t any way for the people of Nicaragua to find out what’s going on in Nicaragua (Elliott Abrams Quotes)
In critical ways, Obama has reversed not just Bush policy but every president’s approach to the world since the Second World War, save for that of his soulmate Jimmy Carter (Elliott Abrams Quotes)