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Ellsworth Kelly Quotes

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I don’t labor over my drawings. I want to get freedom in the line.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) My drawings have to be quick. If they don’t happen in 20 minutes or a half hour, then they’re no good.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I sometimes don’t try to invent something. I wait for some kind of a direction - and it happens. I get an angle, for instance, and it just appears, and I say, ‘Oh my God - that’s it!’  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) Making art has first of all to do with honesty. My first lesson was to see objectively, to erase all meaning of the thing seen. Then only could the real meaning of it be understood and felt.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) My earliest drawing is a supposed Carracci. It wasn’t very expensive, I guess, because they don’t know if it’s a real Carracci. But it has all these seals on it of people who’ve owned it, and one of the great portrait painters of England, Reynolds, had owned it, so that’s the earliest.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I started doing sculpture in 1959. I had no commissions then. They were painted, similar in style to the paintings... At a certain point, I decided I didn’t want an edge between two colors, I wanted color differences in literal space.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) Gray goes with gold. Gray goes with all colors. I’ve done gray-and-red paintings, and gray and orange go so well together. It takes a long time to make gray because gray has a little bit of color in it.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) The negative is just as important as the positive  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I have trained my eye over and over ever since I was a kid. I was a bird watcher when I was a little boy. My grandmother gave me a bird book, and I got to like their colors.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) Geometry is moribund. I want a lilt and joy to art  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I learned my color in Europe. I’ve always been a colorist, I think. I started when I was very young, being a bird-watcher, fascinated by the bird colors.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) All my work begins with drawings  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) In drawing, I don’t erase. I believe the original gesture has to be the best.  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) The form of my painting is the content  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I don’t labor over my drawings. I want to get freedom in the line  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I’m not interested in the texture of a rock, but in its shadow  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) Shading is more like copying. And certainly I do copy, but I’m making drawings, and I’m not trying to make them with the shading  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I believe people have to be open to what’s happening when they’re alive  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I felt that everything is beautiful, but that which man tries intentionally to make beautiful; that the work of an ordinary bricklayer is more valid than the artwork of all but a very few artists  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I’m interested in the mass and color, the black and the white, the edges happen because the forms get as quiet as they can be  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) My drawings have to be quick. If they don’t happen in 20 minutes or a half hour, then they’re no good  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) All my paintings are usually done in drawing form, very small. I make notations in drawings first, and then I make a collage for color. But drawing is always my notation  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) The paintings to me are always canvas; sculpture has always been metal, though I have made sculpture in wood, also  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I did not want windows, only skylights. I chose my painting wall as it has the best morning light  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) Shape and color are my two strong things. And by doing this, drawing plants has always led me into my paintings and my sculptures  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) My forms are geometric, but they don’t interact in a geometric sense. They’re just forms that exist everywhere, even if you don’t see them  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) I’m not interested in edges. I’m interested in the mass and color, the black and white. The edges happen because the forms get as quiet as they can be. I want the masses to perform. When I work with forms and colors, I get the edge  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) The most pleasurable thing in the world, for me, is to see something and then translate how I see it  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes) In drawing, I don’t erase. I believe the original gesture has to be the best  (Ellsworth Kelly Quotes)