Elton John Quotes

Text Quotes
It was Elvis that got me interested in music. I've been an Elvis fan since I was a kid (Elton John Quotes)
Ask anyone. If it hadn't been for Elvis, I don't know where popular music would be. He was the one that started it all off, and he was definitely the start of it for me (Elton John Quotes)
There's a time for everyone, If they only learn, that the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn (Elton John Quotes)
You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships (Elton John Quotes)
I still want to play music but I don't want to look like Donald Duck while I'm doing it (Elton John Quotes)
As Elton John, my days on pop radio are over, and I know that and I accept it and I'm not unhappy about it (Elton John Quotes)
It was Saturday late, have you seen my mates, can you tell me when the boys get here? Well, it's seven o'clock and I want to rock and get a belly full of beer (Elton John Quotes)
I guess that's why they call it the blues, time on my hands could be time spent with you (Elton John Quotes)
Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder, under the covers, and I guess that's why they call it the blues (Elton John Quotes)
On a street of right and wrong in every inch of sadness, rocks and tanks go hand in hand with madness (Elton John Quotes)
I'd walk a million miles to give her what she needs. But she would walk a million more to do what she believes (Elton John Quotes)
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids, in fact it's cold as hell (Elton John Quotes)
To forgive and be forgiven, if it's the last thing I do, then in death's release I may find the peace that in life I never knew (Elton John Quotes)
Poor cow, you'll get your dumb man. You'll see your whole life coming at you in the back of his hand (Elton John Quotes)
I'm a juvenile product of the working class, who's best friend floats in the bottom of a glass (Elton John Quotes)
It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics to set you on your feet again (Elton John Quotes)
Shock waves to a tired brain, sends that hungry lady to my door again. She's my shelter from the storm when I feel the rain, entertaining white powder (Elton John Quotes)
Sweet freedom whispered in my ear, you're a butterfly, and butterflies are free to fly, fly away, high-away, bye-bye (Elton John Quotes)
What a scandal, if I die. Yeah, I'm gonna kill myself, get a little headline news (Elton John Quotes)
Love's like a junkie, addiction's a fact. Passion's a monkey, you can't keep off your back (Elton John Quotes)
Loneliness was tough, the toughest role you ever played. Hollywood created a superstar, and pain was the price you paid (Elton John Quotes)
This overload is edging me further out to sea, I need to put some distances between overkill and me (Elton John Quotes)
I don't whistle at you down the street. I would if I could, but I can't whistle you see (Elton John Quotes)
My old man is drunker than a barrel full of monkeys, but my old lady she don't care (Elton John Quotes)
A couple of sounds that I really like are the sounds of a switchblade and a motor bike (Elton John Quotes)
And there are men behind bars who pray for the light and there are men in the suburbs who pray for the night (Elton John Quotes)
Someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear, you almost had your hooks in me, didn't you dear? (Elton John Quotes)
After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hour glass and made the angels moan (Elton John Quotes)
He'd been drinking in a bar downtown, when he thought he heard a choir of angels singing in the Tiki Lounge. And that's when he got religion (Elton John Quotes)
Holy Moses, let us live in peace. Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease. There's a man over there, what's his colour I don't care, he's my brother, let us live in peace (Elton John Quotes)