Elvis Presley Quotes

Text Quotes
Number 47 said to number 3, you’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Once I catch you and the kissing starts, a team of wild horses couldn’t tear us apart (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Do what’s right for you, as long as it don’t hurt no one (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I don't mind if the fans rip the shirt from my back - they put it there (Elvis Presley Quotes)
A hard headed woman, a soft hearted man, been the cause of trouble ever since the world began (Elvis Presley Quotes)
You look like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel. But I got wise, you’re the devil in disguise (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I just know that, right now,... the biggest record selling business there is is rock and roll (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I’m never going to sing another song I don’t believe in. I’m never going to make another picture I don’t believe in (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Computers may out think us one day, but as long as people got feelings we’ll be better than they are (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I wiggle my shoulders, I shake my legs, I walk up and down the stage, I hop around on one foot. But I never bump and grind. Why, that’s vulgar. I’d never do anything vulgar before an audience. My mother would never allow it (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I’m not kidding myself. My voice alone is just an ordinary voice. What people come to see is how I use it. If I stand still while I’m singing, I’m dead, man. I might as well go back to driving a truck (Elvis Presley Quotes)
To judge a man by his weakest link or deed is like judging the power of the ocean by one wave (Elvis Presley Quotes)
A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It’s my favorite part of the business, live concerts (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Every time I think that I’m getting old, and gradually going to the grave, something else happens (Elvis Presley Quotes)
From the time I was a kid, I always knew something was going to happen to me. Didn’t know exactly what (Elvis Presley Quotes)
It’s human nature to gripe, but I’m going ahead and doing the best I can (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Just because I managed to do a little something, I don’t want anyone back home to think I got the big head (Elvis Presley Quotes)
More than anything else, I want the folks back at home to think right of me (Elvis Presley Quotes)
When I was a boy, I always saw myself as a hero in comic books and in movies. I grew up believing this dream (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I don’t think I’m bad for people. If I did think I was bad for people, I would go back to driving a truck, and I really mean this (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I learned how important it is to entertain people and give them a reason to come and watch you play (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I think I have something tonight that’s not quite correct for evening wear. Blue suede shoes (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I’m not trying to be sexy. It’s just my way of expressing myself when I move around (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I’m trying to keep a level head. You have to be careful out in the world. It’s so easy to get turned (Elvis Presley Quotes)
I’ve tried to lead a straight, clean life, not set any kind of a bad example (Elvis Presley Quotes)
My movements, ma’am, are all leg movements. I don’t do nothing with my body (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Rhythm is something you either have or don’t have, but when you have it, you have it all over (Elvis Presley Quotes)
Since the beginning, it was just the same. The only difference, the crowds are bigger now (Elvis Presley Quotes)
That’s why I hate to get started in these jam sessions. I’m always the last one to leave (Elvis Presley Quotes)