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If something is exceptionally well done it has embedded in it’s very existence the aim of lifting the common denominator rather than catering to it (Embedded Quotes)
If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts, the power to endure will crumble (Embedded Quotes)
But the need for conflict to expose prejudice and unclear reasoning, which is deeply embedded in my philosophy of science, has its origin in these debates (Embedded Quotes)
Elected representatives are so embedded in the basic notion of what constitutes a democratic nation that it has become indistinguishable from any other form of democratic governance (Embedded Quotes)
During the war, in which several of our embedded correspondents were able to report from moving vehicles crossing the Iraqi desert, the use of technology made news gathering safer (Embedded Quotes)
The plan was criticized by some retired military officers embedded in TV studios. But with every advance by our coalition forces, the wisdom of that plan becomes more apparent (Embedded Quotes)
Part of the joy of looking at art is getting in sync in some ways with the decision-making process that the artist used and the record that’s embedded in the work (Embedded Quotes)
For me there is a poesis, a poetics, around the trope of the road that is embedded within many life experiences of the people I’ve been close to (Embedded Quotes)
For much of my life as a journalist, I’ve viewed myself as being embedded with civilians and with those people who live on the other side of the barrel of a gun (Embedded Quotes)
Poems tend to have instructions for how to read them embedded in their language (Embedded Quotes)
When I was in high school, and even to a degree while I was in university, I wasn’t on the Internet. So it’s not as embedded in my soul, that kind of way of being (Embedded Quotes)
Depression as one example is an illness that has a chemical basis, but also is deeply embedded in cultural norms about gender, social class, race (Embedded Quotes)
As a reporter, I embedded for modest stints with American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. When I’m asked about those experiences, I always say - and mean - that we civilians don’t deserve the soldiers we have (Embedded Quotes)
You would carpet bomb where ISIS is, not a city, but the location of the troops. You use air power directed - and you have embedded special forces to direction the air power. But the object isn’t to level a city. The object is to kill the ISIS terrorists (Embedded Quotes)
When I was a prosecutor in Kansas City, my job was to fight for justice and safety for all citizens in my community. Equal access to justice under the law is an American value embedded in the fabric of our legal and political system - the idea that anybody, powerful or not, can have their day in court (Embedded Quotes)
I have never been embedded with the American army or, you know, with the big war machine (Embedded Quotes)
I’ve never been embedded with American soldiers or British soldiers or Iraqi soldiers or any other. (Embedded Quotes)
Most people think of leaders as being these outgoing, very visible, and charismatic people, which I find to be a very narrow perception. The key challenge for managers today is to get beyond the surface of your colleagues. You might just find that you have introverts embedded within your organization who are natural-born leaders. (Embedded Quotes)
I’ve already written 300 space poems. But I look upon my ultimate form as being a poetic prose. When you read it, it appears to be prose, but within the prose you have embedded the techniques of poetry. (Embedded Quotes)
If you’re a believer, God is not a thought-experiment requiring a special sub-creation to be tried out in. He’s an actual, er, actuality already, embedded in a necessary and true story about guilt, hope, and liberty. I don’t want C. S. Lewis doing his resourceful best to render Him as a fabulous special effect. (Embedded Quotes)
Search is now more than a web destination and a few words plugged into a box. Search is a mode, a method of interaction with the physical and virtual worlds. What is Siri but search? What are apps like Yelp or Foursquare, but structured search machines? Search has become embedded into everything and has reached well beyond its web-based roots. (Embedded Quotes)
Big ideas, big ambitious projects need to be embedded within culture at a level deeper than the political winds. It needs to be deeper than the economic fluctuations that could turn people against an expensive project because they’re on an unemployment line and can’t feed their families. (Embedded Quotes)
Freedom of the press is the mortar that binds together the bricks of democracy -- and it is also the open window embedded in those bricks. (Embedded Quotes)
My work in general involves getting over my fears that are deeply embedded since childhood: Fear of darkness, fear of dangerous activities in general, and fear of dirt - I had a considerable obsessive compulsive disorder as a child. (Embedded Quotes)
Computers sort of came around through games and toys. And you know, the first computer most people had in the house may have been a computer to play ‘Pong,’ a little microprocessor embedded, and then other games that came after that. (Embedded Quotes)
Language has multiple uses, and is embedded in different forms of life. It is not necessary to have this grand concept of humanity in order to behave decently. (Embedded Quotes)
We’re not just social animals in the conventional way that people think. It’s not just a bunch of us who hang out together. We have a very specific pattern of ties, and they have a particular shape and structure that is encoded in our genes. It means that human beings have evolved to live their lives embedded in social networks. (Embedded Quotes)
Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters - all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing. (Embedded Quotes)
When cultural change succeeds, it succeeds because it’s so embedded in what we do that we don’t have to think about. (Embedded Quotes)
Embedded in ‘The New York Times’ institutional perspective and reporting methodologies are all sorts of quite debatable and subjective political and cultural assumptions about the world. And with some noble exceptions, ‘The Times,’ by design or otherwise, has long served the interests of the same set of elite and powerful factions. (Embedded Quotes)