Embrace Life Quotes

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We postpone the finality of heartbreak by clinging to hope. Though this might be acceptable during early or transitional stages of grief, ultimately it is no way to live. We need both hands free to embrace life and accept love, and that’s impossible if one hand has a death grip on the past (Embrace Life Quotes)
I feel like the Internet has embraced the pizza dance. I feel appreciated for once in my life (Embrace Life Quotes)
There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey. (Embrace Life Quotes)
It’s not complicated to embrace life. You just have to make the choice (Embrace Life Quotes)
Open minded people embrace being wrong, are free of illusions, don't mind what people think of them and question everything even themselves (Embrace Life Quotes)
Dare to be different. Be a pioneer. Be a leader. Be the kind of woman who in the face of adversity will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly toward the challenge (Embrace Life Quotes)
God has called each one of us to embrace life, not merely to endure it (Embrace Life Quotes)
There is a greater gift than the trust of others. That is to trust in oneself. Some might call it confidence, others name it faith. But if it makes us brave, the label doesn’t matter... for it’s the thing that frees us, to embrace life itself (Embrace Life Quotes)
Wisdom comes most easily to those who have the courage to embrace life without judgment and are willing to not know, sometimes for a long time. It requires us to be more fully and simply alive than we have been taught to be. It may require us to suffer. But ultimately we will be more than we were when we began. There is the seed of a greater wholeness in everyone (Embrace Life Quotes)
The point of creativity is to express and challenge yourself, to make meaning, to embrace your life (Embrace Life Quotes)
I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment (Embrace Life Quotes)
You will only find the happiness you seek when you drop your negative attitude towards life, embrace life and be happy (Embrace Life Quotes)
Desire is a teacher: When we immerse ourselves in it without guilt, shame, or clinging, it can show us something special about our own minds that allows us to embrace life fully (Embrace Life Quotes)
We must not just patch and tinker with life. We must keep renewing it. Embrace novelty and uniqueness (Embrace Life Quotes)
The great teachers fill you up with hope and shower you with a thousand reasons to embrace all aspects of life (Embrace Life Quotes)
The life that you want begins the moment you embrace the life you have because all of it is a miracle (Embrace Life Quotes)
Life without music is unthinkable. Life without music is academic. That is why my contact with music is a total embrace (Embrace Life Quotes)
I will no longer confer, differ, refer, defer, prefer, or suffer. I renounce the whole tribe of fero. I embrace absolute life (Embrace Life Quotes)
When you embrace the uncertain, life opens up unusual new paths. Seeds sown way back bloom as flowers, in ways one can never fathom (Embrace Life Quotes)
You have sole custody of your life. Who you are today is not who you have to be tomorrow. Embrace the possibility of transformation (Embrace Life Quotes)
An old man who cannot bid farewell to life appears as feeble and sickly as the young man who is unable to embrace it (Embrace Life Quotes)
Life is about growing, learning, and becoming. You can not grow, learn, or become if you can not embrace the changes in your life (Embrace Life Quotes)
Maybe this is the point: to embrace the core sadness of life without toppling headlong into it, or assuming it will define your days (Embrace Life Quotes)
Eternity to a child offers goodness, and eternal life to a man is essentially corrupting because it involves a certain amount of vanity to embrace it (Embrace Life Quotes)
Run towards your fears. Embrace them. On the other side of your greatest fears lives your greatest life (Embrace Life Quotes)
The best thing in life is to go ahead with all your plans and your dreams, to embrace life and to live everyday with passion, to lose and still keep the faith and to win while being grateful. All of this because the world belongs to those who dare to go after what they want. And because life is really too short to be insignificant (Embrace Life Quotes)
False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports (Embrace Life Quotes)
What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup (Embrace Life Quotes)
Life can be much broader. You can embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it (Embrace Life Quotes)
Too much time is wasted fighting one self and life itself. Peace and fulfilment emerge the moment you embrace both (Embrace Life Quotes)