Embrace Quotes

Text Quotes
As they embrace, she kisses him full on the mouth. And suddenly sticks her tongue right in. She has done this before, often. It’s one of those drunken long shots which just might, at least theoretically, once in ten thousand tries, throw a relationship right out of its orbit and send it whizzing off on another. Do women ever stop trying? No. But, because they never stop, they learn to be good losers (Embrace Quotes)
It will come with a rush and a roar and a shudder. It will come howling and laughing and shrieking and moaning. It will come so fast you can’t help yourself you will stretch out your arms to embrace it. You will feel it before it comes and you will tense yourself for acceptance and the earth which is your eternal bed will tremble at the moment of your union (Embrace Quotes)
How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unkown? (Embrace Quotes)
If you accept others as equals, you embrace them unconditionally, now and forever. But if you let them know that you tolerate them, you suggest in the same breath that they are actually an inconvenience, like a nagging pain or an unpleasant odour you are willing to disregard (Embrace Quotes)
Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart (Embrace Quotes)
It was such a spring day as breathes into a man an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness, a longing that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace he knows not what (Embrace Quotes)
Cowards, I believe, are people who are afraid to embrace what they want or need in a natural, honest way (Embrace Quotes)
If I had a formula for bypassing trouble, I wouldn’t pass it around. Wouldn’t be doing anybody a favor. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it. I don’t say embrace trouble. That’s as bad as treating it as an enemy. But I do say, meet it as a friend, for you’ll see a lot of it and had better be on speaking terms with it (Embrace Quotes)
Bad artists ignore the darkness of human existence. Good artists often get stuck there. Great artists embrace the full catastrophe of our condition and find beyond it an even deeper truth of peace, healing, and redemption (Embrace Quotes)
She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain (Embrace Quotes)
If you really do love her, don’t look away, no matter what happens. No matter what you see, no matter what you learn about her, don’t look away. Once you got her in your embrace, don’t let go. Once you decide you love someone, that’s your responsibility (Embrace Quotes)
The first sentence of a book is a handshake, perhaps an embrace. Style and personality are irrelevant. They can be formal or casual. They can be tall or short or fat or thin. They can obey the rules or break them. But they need to contain a charge. A live current, which shocks and illuminates (Embrace Quotes)
Isolation is aloneness that feels forced upon you, like a punishment. Solitude is aloneness you choose and embrace. I think great things can come out of solitude, out of going to a place where all is quiet except the beating of your heart (Embrace Quotes)
Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else (Embrace Quotes)
Just seize every opportunity you have, embrace every experience. Make a mark, for all the right reasons (Embrace Quotes)
We must have research for peace... It would embrace the outstanding problems of morality. The time has come for man’s intellect, his scientific method, to win over the immoral brutality and irrationality of war and militarism... Now we are forced to eliminate from the world forever this vestige of prehistoric barbarism, this curse to the human race (Embrace Quotes)
... we must remain hopeful that for our children and our children’s children, that we are not a warring nation, but we will embrace and practice true compassion and honor the ideals of peace and freedom, and we will not give up (Embrace Quotes)
We have learned that change cannot come through war. War is not a feasible tool to use in fighting against the oppression we face. War has caused more problems. We cannot embrace that path (Embrace Quotes)
What we need to do is learn to respect and embrace our differences until our differences don’t make a difference in how we are treated (Embrace Quotes)
By renouncing samsara, we renounce our habitual grasping, unhappy minds. And by renouncing samsara, we embrace our potential for enlightenment (Embrace Quotes)
I can’t really do anything about the past and all I can do is just embrace the future and try to make the most of the present. So I’m really trying to do that and doing my best every day (Embrace Quotes)
There will be mistakes and there will be falters. There will be things that are not a part of your plan. See the challenges in your life and accept them and embrace them (Embrace Quotes)
The day you let go of fear and instead embrace understanding, is the day you begin to live (Embrace Quotes)
Tomorrow is a new beginning. Embrace the light of a new day, for you have a fresh chance to begin again, to make life beautiful (Embrace Quotes)
When you put a man and a woman together, there are some things they simply have to do. They embrace, they warm each other. All the rest is dead and empty (Embrace Quotes)
I embrace emerging experience, I participate in discovery. I am a butterfly. I am not a butterfly collector. I want the experience of the butterfly (Embrace Quotes)
The conclusion of design flows naturally from the data; we should not shrink from it; we should embrace it and build on it (Embrace Quotes)
Mama took me in her arms and held me tight. Her embrace was hot and she smelled like sweat, dust, and grease, but I wanted her. I wanted to crawl inside her mind to find that place that let her smile and sing through the worst dust storms. If I had to be crazy, I wanted my mama’s kind of crazy, because she was never afraid (Embrace Quotes)
There is no one against us in this world but ourselves. You are against you. A failure to love, embrace, and accept yourself based on not a thing flows outwards and causes conflict. Love you for being alive, accept and embrace all of you, and where is the hate now? How can you hate another now? Where can conflict arise? (Embrace Quotes)
You can live your dreams if you can embrace change. It’s by taking chances that you’ll learn how to be brave (Embrace Quotes)