Emile M Cioran Quotes

Text Quotes
Good health is the best weapon against religion. Healthy bodies and healthy minds have never been shaken by religious fears (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
One can experience loneliness in two ways: by feeling lonely in the world or by feeling the loneliness of the world (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Each time I fail to think about death, I have the impression of cheating, of deceiving someone in me (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
True confessions are written with tears only. But my tears would drown the world, as my inner fire would reduce it to ashes (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Sometimes I wish I were a cannibal – less for the pleasure of eating someone than for the pleasure of vomiting him (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
As the years pass, the number of those we can communicate with diminishes. When there is no longer anyone to talk to, at last we will be as we were before stooping to a name (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
If you’re unlucky enough not to have alcoholic parents, it takes you a whole lifetime of intoxication to overcome the dead weight of their virtues (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
I live only because it is in my power to die when I choose to: without the idea of suicide, I’d have killed myself right away (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
The refutation of suicide: is it not inelegant to abandon a world which has so willingly put itself at the service of our melancholy (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
As art sinks into paralysis, artists multiply. This anomaly ceases to be one if we realize that art, on its way to exhaustion, has become both impossible and easy (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
I have decided not to oppose anyone ever again, since I have noticed that I always end by resembling my latest enemy (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
What I know at sixty, I knew as well at twenty. Forty years of a long, superfluous, labor of verification (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Even when nothing happens, everything seems too much for me. What can be said, then, in the presence of an event, any event? (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
By virtue of depression, we recall those misdeeds we buried in the depths of our memory. Depression exhumes our shames (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
It has been a long time since philosophers have read men’s souls. It is not their task, we are told. Perhaps. But we must not be surprised if they no longer matter much to us (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
What music appeals to in us it is difficult to know; what we do know is that music reaches a zone so deep that madness itself cannot penetrate there (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
There is not much difference between a mortal man and a dying man. The absurdity of making plans is only slightly more obvious in the second case (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
To possess a high degree of consciousness, to be always aware of yourself in relation to the world, to live in the permanent tension of knowledge, means to be lost for life (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
All people see fires, storms, explosions, or landscapes; but how many feel the flames, the lightnings, the whirlwinds, or the harmony? How many have an inner beauty that tinges their melancholy? (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
My mission is to suffer for all those who suffer without knowing it. I must pay for them, expiate their unconsciousness, their luck to be ignorant of how unhappy they are (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
I would like to go mad on one condition, namely, that I would become a happy madman, lively and always in a good mood, without any troubles and obsessions, laughing senselessly from morning to night (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
I saw that philosophy had no power to make my life more bearable. Thus I lost my belief in philosophy (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
I lost my sleep, and this is the greatest tragedy that can befall someone. It is much worse than sitting in prison (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
The capital phenomenon, the most catastrophic disaster, is uninterrupted sleeplessness, that nothingness without release (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Life without utopia is suffocating, for the multitude at least: threatened otherwise with petrifaction, the world must have a new madness (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
An individual dies... when, instead of taking risks and hurling himself toward being, he cowers within, and takes refuge there (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Life inspires more dread than death - it is life which is the great unknown (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
God - a disease we imagine we are cured of because no one dies of it nowadays (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
Impossible to spend sleepless nights and accomplish anything: if, in my youth, my parents had not financed my insomnias, I should surely have killed myself (Emile M Cioran Quotes)
One does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language. That is our country, our fatherland - and no other (Emile M Cioran Quotes)