Emily Blunt Quotes

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I don’t really watch that much TV, to be honest (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I would love to be on Broadway (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It just proves good movies don’t need 100 million dollars to be good (Emily Blunt Quotes)
Well, you wear underwear. That helps (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It’s quite hard to faze me. I’m fairly un - shockable (Emily Blunt Quotes)
You can go at the premiere it’s at Disneyland (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It’s nice to play someone who is naive (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It’s a big chip on my shoulder that I have not been to any of his parties - p. Diddy, diddy Puff. But he was super nice to me. and he does look sharp, that guy. Doesn’t ever go wrong with a suit (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It’s nerve-wracking singing in front of people. I think that’s why most people get drunk for karaoke (Emily Blunt Quotes)
If you’re in America a lot, it’s easy to get into playing American. All of it, the sounds, the energies, all very different. But it’s really hard to do the accent. I tend to try and stay in it all day, which is the only way I can manage it (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I’m a big supporter of Joe Johnston and I think that ‘Captain America’ is going to be really fun and I gather that the story is really interesting. It just wasn’t what I wanted to do next, to be honest (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I had a non-existent knowledge of Queen Victoria’s early years. Like everyone else, I thought of her as an old lady dressed in black. My mom had told me about her, though, that she had a very loving relationship with Albert, that they had lots of kids, and that he died young (Emily Blunt Quotes)
Americans are a lot more open, of course. There’s something more declamatory in the way you express emotions. It’s a stereotype but it’s true. British people can appear repressed in expressing emotions. Not very good at self-evaluating, or affirming situations, touching, anything like that (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I was never a girl that dreamt of being a princess and I never dreamt about my wedding day. I hated pink and I hated fairies. I only liked hanging out with boys. I remember throwing a tantrum if my mum put me in pink. I wasn’t a particularly girly girl (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I’m Sudafed - ed up, but it’s alright because I’m having to do this rather sultry scene, so maybe it’s OK that my voice is three octaves lower (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I’m not much of a crier but it is mildly soul-destroying and exposing to do something physical that you are terrible at in front of other people (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I’m about to do my second Bikram yoga class in Anchorage, Alaska. It’s the only way to stay warm. I’ve got to get into shape. I’ve been eating nothing but fish and chips (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I think it is nice for people to appreciate a slow-burning, beautiful story that makes you feel good when it is over (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I attempted to fish in Scotland and I managed to hook a dog. It was a horrible moment but the dog turned out to be fine (Emily Blunt Quotes)
You shouldn’t strategize your career if you’re in a creative realm. You can’t either. I love the unknown. I love the element of surprise. I’ve always felt really inspired by it. I love the spontaneity of the job. I think you can’t really fight against it. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I find it quite hard to sum up my relationship in a sound bite. I feel that it trivializes it for other people’s pleasure. It’s an adventure. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
When you’re in love, you’re so happy that you want to tell people about it. But now I have to censor myself. You need to protect the happiness you have. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
When I read a script, I’ll have a very visceral gut reaction to what does this mean to me? How does she feel in my skin? Could I play this role? (Emily Blunt Quotes)
After this interview, I’m going to immigration to try to sort out my Green Card, just like any other normal person. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
If you’re very open to watching the world go by, with people’s different tics, you absorb it all without realizing it and find ways to put something into your character. I’m not sure I’m always aware I’m mimicking someone. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I’m about to do my second Bikram yoga class in Anchorage, Alaska. It’s the only way to stay warm. I’ve got to get into shape. I’ve been eating nothing but fish and chips. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous actors know who I am (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I almost broke my coccyx on ‘The Wolf Man’, and I banged my head once. I had to fall really hard. (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I find that it really helps that I live in the States. I’m married to an American, and I have lots of American friends (Emily Blunt Quotes)
I chop a lot of onions because I love cooking, and the times where I’ve never cried chopping onions is when I’m not thinking about it, when I’m talking to someone or I’m listening to music. (Emily Blunt Quotes)