Emily Carr Quotes
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Text Quotes
I am always watching for fear of getting feeble and passé in my work. I don’t want to trickle out. I want to pour till the pail is empty, the last bit going out in a gush, not in drops (Emily Carr Quotes)
I was not ready for abstraction. I clung to earth and her dear shapes, her density, her herbage, her juice. I wanted her volume, and I wanted to hear her throb (Emily Carr Quotes)
The artist himself may not think he is religious, but if he is sincere his sincerity in itself is religion (Emily Carr Quotes)
Be careful that you do not write or paint anything that is not your own, that you don’t know in your own soul (Emily Carr Quotes)
There is something bigger than fact: the underlying spirit, all it stands for, the mood, the vastness, the wildness (Emily Carr Quotes)
Twenty can’t be expected to tolerate sixty in all things, and sixty gets bored stiff with twenty’s eternal love affairs (Emily Carr Quotes)
You always feel when you look it straight in the eye that you could have put more into it, could have let yourself go and dug harder (Emily Carr Quotes)
You come into the world alone and you go out of the world alone yet it seems to me you are more alone while living than even going and coming (Emily Carr Quotes)
You must be absolutely honest and true in the depicting of a totem for meaning is attached to every line. You must be most particular about detail and proportion (Emily Carr Quotes)
Look at the earth crowded with growth, new and old bursting from their strong roots hidden in the silent, live ground, each seed according to its own kind... each one knowing what to do, each one demanding its own rights on the earth. So artist, you too from the depths of your soul... let your roots creep forth, gaining strength (Emily Carr Quotes)
The spirit must be felt so intensely that it has power to call others in passing, for it must pass, not stop in the pictures (Emily Carr Quotes)
There was neither horizon, cloud, nor sound; of that pink, spread silence even I had become part, belonging as much to sky as to earth (Emily Carr Quotes)
As the woods are the same, the trees standing in their places, the rocks and the earth... they are always different too, as lights and shadows and seasons and moods pass through them (Emily Carr Quotes)
Writing is a strong easement for perplexity. My life is a map, spread out with all the rivers and hills showing (Emily Carr Quotes)
The biggest part of painting perhaps is faith, and waiting receptively, content to go any way, not planning or forcing. The fear, though, is laziness. It is so easy to drift and finally be tossed up on the beach, derelict (Emily Carr Quotes)
How badly I want that nameless thing! First there must be an idea, a feeling... Maybe it was an abstract idea that you’ve got to find a symbol for, or maybe it was a concrete form that you have to simplify or distort to meet your ends, but that starting point must pervade the whole (Emily Carr Quotes)
Last night I dreamed that I came face to face with a picture I had done and forgotten, a forest done in simple movement, just forms of trees moving in space. That is the third time I have seen pictures in my dreams, a glint of what I am striving to attain (Emily Carr Quotes)
I thought my mountain was coming this morning. It was near to speaking when suddenly it shifted, sulked, and returned to smallness. It has eluded me again and sits there, puny and dull. Why? (Emily Carr Quotes)
Don’t take what someone else has made sure of and pretend it’s you yourself that have made sure of it till it’s yours absolutely by conviction. It’s stealing to take it and hypocrisy and you’ll fall into a hole (Emily Carr Quotes)
Bless... the two painting masters who first pointed out to me that there was coming and going among trees, that there was sunlight in shadows (Emily Carr Quotes)
So still were the big woods where I sat, sound might not yet have been born (Emily Carr Quotes)
What do I want to express? The subject means little. The arrangement, the design, colour, shape, depth, light, space, mood, movement, balance, not one or all of these fills the bill. There is something additional, a breath that draws your breath into its breathing, a heartbeat that pounds on yours, a recognition of the oneness of all things (Emily Carr Quotes)
When you really think about your hand you begin to realize its connection, to sense the hum of your own being passing through it. When we look at a piece of the universe we should feel the same (Emily Carr Quotes)
There is a side of friendship that develops better and stronger by correspondence than contact... The absence of the flesh in writing perhaps brings souls nearer (Emily Carr Quotes)
I think that one’s art is a growth inside one. I do not think one can explain growth. It is silent and subtle. One does not keep digging up a plant to see how it grows (Emily Carr Quotes)
The foolish square calves pretend to be frightened of our train. Bluffers! Haven’t they seen it every day since they were born? It’s just an excuse to shake the joy out of their heels (Emily Carr Quotes)
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