Emily Dickinson Quotes

Text Quotes
The appetite for silence is seldom an acquired taste (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Spring’s first conviction is a wealth beyond its whole experience (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
How softly summer shuts, without the creaking of a door (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Life is so rotatory that the wilderness falls to each, sometime (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
To possess is past the instant; we achieve the joy, immortality contented, were anomaly (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Prayer is the little implement through which men reach; where presence is denied them (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Love is its own rescue; for we, at our supremest, are but its trembling emblems (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
I don’t profess to be profound; but I do lay claim to common sense (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Hold dear to your parents for it is a scary and confusing world without them (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
The poet lights the light and fades away. But the light goes on and on (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
We both believe, and disbelieve a hundred times an hour, which keeps believing nimble (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away nor any coursers like a page of prancing poetry (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
They might not need me; but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, one clover, and a bee, and revery. The revery alone will do, if bees are few (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
When everything that ticked has stopped, and space stares, all around, or grisly frosts, first autumn morns, repeal the beating ground (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Angels in the early morning may be seen the dews among. Stooping, plucking, smiling, flying. Do the buds to them belong? (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
To ignore or use silence is a cruel tool. Hence this quote: Silence is all we dread; there’s ransom in a voice; but silence is infinity (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
Death is a supple suitor, that wins at last. It is a stealthy wooing; conducted first by pallid innuendos and dim approach, but brave at last with bugles (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
I had no monarch in my life, and cannot rule myself; and when I try to organize, my little force explodes and leaves me bare and charred (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
I think of love, and you, and my heart grows full and warm, and my breath stands still... I can feel a sunshine stealing into my soul and making it all summer, and every thorn, a rose (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
The older I grow the more do I love spring and spring flowers. Is it so with you? (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
A sick room is at times too sacred a place for a friend’s knock, timid as that is (Emily Dickinson Quotes)
I miss the grasshoppers much, but suppose it is all for the best. I should become too much attached to a trotting world (Emily Dickinson Quotes)