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Emirates Quotes

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One of the most widespread myths about the deal is that the Administration is outsourcing the security of our ports to a company from the United Arab Emirates  (Emirates Quotes) Matt Damon’s anti-fracking diatribe was funded by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates  (Emirates Quotes) I was outraged to learn that the president wanted to outsource operations at some American ports to the United Arab Emirates  (Emirates Quotes) I don’t think our government really has much of a policy about air travel. I would compare the policies of United Arab Emirates, which has done a terrific job recognizing the value of transportation, of travel.  (Emirates Quotes) I started digging and found that Israel signed a peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates after the country had diversified their economy, instead of being solely oil-based. This diversification had brought about modernization. I realized that if you land the price of oil, countries will diversify their economies and as a result, modernize.  (Emirates Quotes) The fact is Qatar, Etihad, Emirates, Singapore, Garuda, all of the three Chinese airlines, Air New Zealand - the fact is that international aviation relies very much upon agreements between nation-states, and it is not an area in which you have free market operations.  (Emirates Quotes)