Emma Goldman Quotes

Text Quotes
Only when human sorrows are turned into a toy with glaring colors will baby people become interested - for a while at least. The people are a very fickle baby that must have new toys every day (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The spirit of militarism has already permeated all walks of life. Indeed, I am convinced that militarism is a greater danger here than anywhere else, because of the many bribes capitalism holds out to those whom it wishes to destroy (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Jealousy is indeed a poor medium to secure love, but it is a secure medium to destroy one’s self-respect. For jealous people, like dope-fiends, stoop to the lowest level and in the end inspire only disgust and loathing (Emma Goldman Quotes)
In taking out an insurance policy one pays for it in dollars and cents, always at liberty to discontinue payments. If, however, womans premium is a husband, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-respect, her very life, until death doth part (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The philosophy of Atheism represents a concept of life without any metaphysical Beyond or Divine Regulator. It is the concept of an actual, real world with its liberating, expanding and beautifying possibilities, as against an unreal world, which, with its spirits, oracles, and mean contentment has kept humanity in helpless degradation (Emma Goldman Quotes)
‘What I believe’ is a process rather than a finality. Finalities are for gods and governments, not for the human intellect (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Publishers, theatrical managers, and critics ask not for the quality inherent in creative art, but will it meet with a good sale, will it suit the palate of the people? Alas, this palate is like a dumping ground; it relishes anything that needs no mental mastication. As a result, the mediocre, the ordinary, the commonplace represents the chief literary output (Emma Goldman Quotes)
No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution... revolution is but thought carried into action (Emma Goldman Quotes)
... woman’s narrow and purist attitude toward life makes her a greater danger to liberty wherever she has political power. Man haslong overcome the superstitions that still engulf women. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Real wealth consists in things of utility and beauty, in things that help to create strong, beautiful bodies and surroundings inspiring to live in. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
In the true sense one’s native land, with its background of tradition, early impressions, reminiscences and other things dear to one, is not enough to make sensitive human beings feel at home. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The people are urged to be patriotic ... by sacrificing their own children. Patriotism requires allegience to the flag, which means obedience and readiness to kill father, mother, brother, sister. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Anarchism...stands for direct action, the open defiance of, and resistance to, all laws and restrictions, economic, social, and moral. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Today is the parent of tomorrow. The present casts its shadow far into the future. That is the law of life, individual and social. Revolution that divests itself of ethical values thereby lays the foundation of injustice, deceit, and oppression for the future society. The means used to prepare the future become its cornerstone. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
I want freedom, the right to self-expression , everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things (Emma Goldman Quotes)
We Americans claim to be a peace-loving people. We hate bloodshed; we are opposed to violence. Yet we go into spasms of joy over the possibility of projecting dynamite bombs from flying machines upon helpless citizens. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
There is no such thing as a good government. There never was. There can’t be. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The persecution of the innovator and protestant has always been inspired by fear on the part of constituted authority of having its infallibility questioned and its power undermined. (Emma Goldman Quotes)
All wars are wars among thieves who are too cowardly to fight and therefore induce the young manhood of the whole world to do the fighting for them (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Every effort for progress, for enlightenment, for science, for religious, political, and economic liberty, emanates from the minority, and not from the mass (Emma Goldman Quotes)
All claims of education notwithstanding, the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The motto should not be: Forgive one another; rather understand one another (Emma Goldman Quotes)
No sacrifice is lost for a great ideal! (Emma Goldman Quotes)
A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having (Emma Goldman Quotes)
Pettiness separates; breadth unites. Let us be broad and big (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The function of militarism is to kill. It cannot live except through murder (Emma Goldman Quotes)
The more hideous the mental contortions, the greater the delight and bravos of the mass (Emma Goldman Quotes)