Emotional Control Quotes

Text Quotes
Happiness and health must be earned by absolute control of the emotional nature (Emotional Control Quotes)
I’m much softer than people think. I don’t present to the world an emotional face. I’m pretty good at self-control, but I am easily moved (Emotional Control Quotes)
The inbox is always open in my brain, and anyone can get in any time and access me. Turning it off is taking back control. I decide who gets in. It’s about emotional privacy, having a self. (Emotional Control Quotes)
I want people to see that I’m a real person, I overreact, I cry, I’m emotional. If I come across as perfect and in control, that wouldn’t be who I really am. (Emotional Control Quotes)
Without emotional control you cannot play, influence; you cannot react. You have to know what you have to do and not react. You have to be cool. (Emotional Control Quotes)
Control’ had to do with my own life a lot, and that’s why that seemed to be a film I could be the director of, because I had an emotional attachment to the whole story. And because of that experience, I feel that I can try other films. I didn’t set out to become a director. (Emotional Control Quotes)
I do a job and am lucky enough to do a job that I love, but it is a hard one. I’m not saying it is as hard as working in a coal mine, but it is still difficult in a different way. Sometimes you have to go through very strong emotional journeys and then come back to yourself. And that can be difficult to control. (Emotional Control Quotes)
Characters in TV and theatre tend to experience a lot of conflict, so I push myself through sport to physical and emotional levels that hurt so I’ve some other reference for extreme experience that isn’t me shouting at my girlfriend or my mum. It’s a way of controlling the uncontrollable. (Emotional Control Quotes)
It’s very dependent on your state of mind. And your emotional state as well. And a lot of it comes pouring out, you don’t really have that much control with it. (Emotional Control Quotes)
New research shows that emotions have a separate system of nerve pathways, through the limbic system to the cortex, allowing emotional signals to avoid conscious control. (Emotional Control Quotes)
In times of uncertainty - whether it’s economic, psychological, emotional, or philosophical - people often say that the only thing we can truly control is our attitudes. If that’s true, then I’m going to spend today walking my 14-year-old dog on a free beach and treasuring the fact that she’s still alive. (Emotional Control Quotes)
It’s not just professional athletes and soldiers who are at risk from traumatic brain injury. More than 1.7 million people a year sustain a traumatic brain injury, and about 50,000 of them die each year, according the Centers for Disease Control. There are both emotional and financial costs from these injuries. (Emotional Control Quotes)
I’m not crazy about being out of control, and I get emotional when things are unclean. When things are out of order. When things are messy. Because I lived in a mess as a child. (Emotional Control Quotes)
Marriage is for the mature, not the infantile. The fusion of two different personalities requires emotional balance and control on the part of each person. (Emotional Control Quotes)
When we rise above our temptations and resist them, we exercise self-control. And that’s when we experience true freedom and emotional health (Emotional Control Quotes)
Money usually represents so much more than dollars and cents. It is tied up with our deepest emotional needs: for love, power, security, independence, control, self-worth (Emotional Control Quotes)
Emotional control is essential for attaining higher levels of mind. The thing that the teacher looks for in a student is the degree of self-control, not coldness that someone has (Emotional Control Quotes)
I think I don’t sing as hard as I used to sing. I used to kind of hit the accelerator a lot back in my youth, but now it’s just being able to control it, and not work it so hard and use more of an emotional or sub textual kind of approach to singing (Emotional Control Quotes)
There are a lot of parallels between the historical Henry VIII and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. There’s an oscillation and extremity of emotion throughout his repertoire that lends itself beautifully to the nature of Henry VIII, definitely. He will push things to the limit, and yet remain in emotional control (Emotional Control Quotes)
I damaged all the complicated bits of the brain to do with processing and emotional control. I was prey to every single emotion that swept over me and I couldn’t deal with it. I had to re-learn things from scratch (Emotional Control Quotes)
You cannot control faeries. Can. Not. They aren’t logical or rational. They don’t obey the same laws (physical, social, emotional, traffic - you name it) that we do (Emotional Control Quotes)
There is zero correlation between IQ and emotional empathy... They’re controlled by different parts of the brain (Emotional Control Quotes)
The ballet makes us look at those bodies, it makes us listen to that music, it makes us wonder at the geometry, of the way they come together. The way that extraordinary space is controlled and given such emotional force (Emotional Control Quotes)
Do not allow negative feelings and emotions to control your mind. Emotional harm does not come from others; it is conceived and developed within ourselves (Emotional Control Quotes)
Understanding your dog and knowing how to control him, develop his potentials, and resolve behavior problems, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and respect (Emotional Control Quotes)
Advertising, music, atmospheres, subliminal messages and films can have an impact on our emotional life, and we cannot control it because we are not even conscious of it (Emotional Control Quotes)
When you remain angry with another person, you give away your emotional control to that person each time you think of him or here. You allow him or her to control your emotions at long distance. By not forgiving, you allow that person to run your emotional life, exactly as if he or she were right there with you and the situation was occurring all over again (Emotional Control Quotes)