Emotional State Quotes
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Text Quotes
English is weak in describing emotional states or intensities of interpersonal relationships (Emotional State Quotes)
Shared interests are great, but not essential. Shared emotional states are what you’re after (Emotional State Quotes)
The emotional state that leads to achievements resembles that of a worshiper or the lover (Emotional State Quotes)
Disease cannot live in a body that’s in a healthy emotional state (Emotional State Quotes)
A song is not just a collection of melodic riffs, it is an emotional statement (Emotional State Quotes)
Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity; it is a state of being, a profound emotional balance struck by a subtle understanding of how the mind functions (Emotional State Quotes)
At different moments you see with different eyes. You see differently in the morning than you do in the evening. In addition, how you see is also dependent on your emotional state. Because of this, a motif can be seen in many different ways, and this is what makes art interesting (Emotional State Quotes)
At the root of all the various manifestations of dancing lies the common impulse to resort to movement to externalize emotional states which we cannot externalize by rational means (Emotional State Quotes)
From a tale one expects a bit of wildness, of exaggeration and dramatic effect. The tale has no inherent concern with decorum, balance or harmony... A tale may not display a great deal of structural, psychological, or narrative sophistication, though it might possess all three, but it seldom takes its eye off its primary goal, the creation of a particular emotional state in its reader. Depending on the tale, that state could be wonder, amazement, shock, terror, anger, anxiety, melancholia, or the momentary frisson of horror (Emotional State Quotes)
We’re not that far from being able to plant images, memories, and emotional states directly into the brain (Emotional State Quotes)
Theatre is not supposed to represent psychology but passions, which is totally different. Its role is to represent the soul’s different emotional states, and those of the mind, the world history (Emotional State Quotes)
An effective lighting design is like a beautiful painting. Your medium is bringing someone to an emotional state he or she would not achieve at that moment without your art. This does not and can not happen by accident (Emotional State Quotes)
It seems that many health professionals involved in antenatal care have not realized that one of their role should be to protect the emotional state of pregnant women (Emotional State Quotes)
This principle applies to your family pet, for instance, which I believe are wonderful because they put you into a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that’s a great state of love that’s going to bring goodness into your life, what a gift that is (Emotional State Quotes)
The way one sees is also dependent upon one’s emotional state of mind. This is why a motif can be looked at in so many ways, and this is what makes art so interesting (Emotional State Quotes)
Attachment parenting demands not just certain actions you take with your baby but also certain emotional states to accompany those actions (Emotional State Quotes)
Nature or, that which I see, inspires me, puts me, as with any painter, in an emotional state so that an urge comes about to make something, but I want to come as close as possible to the truth and abstract everything from that, until I reach the foundation, still just an external foundation, of things (Emotional State Quotes)
Recognize that it is not really possible to steadily help others when we ourselves are not in good physical, mental, or emotional state. We may be able to carry on for a while, but sooner or later we end up feeling depleted, discouraged, or weak. We cannot keep on giving when we are running on an empty tank. We need to be solid (Emotional State Quotes)
Very early in life, I fell in love with the landscape of the human face, where all the emotional states of life are to be found (Emotional State Quotes)
It’s very dependent on your state of mind. And your emotional state as well. And a lot of it comes pouring out, you don’t really have that much control with it (Emotional State Quotes)
I don’t think anyone really is interested in reading about my emotional state. It’s not even interesting to me (Emotional State Quotes)
So your emotional state really has a lot to do with what you’re thinking about and what you’re paying attention to (Emotional State Quotes)
Frustration is an interesting emotional state, because it tends to bring out the worst in whoever is frustrated (Emotional State Quotes)
Looking to any angry, anxious, or otherwise stressed emotional state to help you sort out the pain you’re in is like trying to organize your monthly bills by throwing them into a blender (Emotional State Quotes)
Our goal is not to ignore the problems of life, but to put ourselves in better mental and emotional states where we can not only come up with solutions, but act upon them (Emotional State Quotes)
If you look carefully you will see that there is one thing and only one thing that causes unhappiness. The name of that thing is attachment. What is an attachment? An emotional state of clinging caused by the belief that without some particular thing or some person you cannot be happy (Emotional State Quotes)
One’s emotional state is always determined by the oddest and most accidental things, and it is precisely the most superficial factors that often fortify or diminish our courage (Emotional State Quotes)
Emotional states are fairly quick bursts of neuronal gossip. Traits, on the other hand, are more like the neuronal equivalent of committed relationships (Emotional State Quotes)
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