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Emotions Quotes

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Immerse yourself in the Word of God and what He has to say and get your eyes and your emotions, as hard as that might be, get them off the situation and turn to Him  (Emotions Quotes) I do tend to gravitate to the more dramatic side of things. I love feeling intense emotions when I’m acting. I just love characters and stories with conflict  (Emotions Quotes) It’s just that different emotions and perceptions demand different frequencies and intensities  (Emotions Quotes) It’s important to feel and to be connected to your emotions, whichever way they play out  (Emotions Quotes) Though her emotions had not deviated from a jittery frailty she knew that in her own room she could at least attempt sleep and that if she dreamed she might then finally be with Henry  (Emotions Quotes) May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans? I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant  (Emotions Quotes) Not only do happy people endure pain better and take more health and safety precautions when threatened, but positive emotions undo negative emotions  (Emotions Quotes) True happiness comes from within. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions  (Emotions Quotes) Your memories from your early childhood seem to have such purchase on your emotions. They are so concrete  (Emotions Quotes) Ladies. Letting go is hard, especially when emotions run deep. But remember, sometimes holding on can hurt much more  (Emotions Quotes) Emotions can certainly be misleading: they can fool you into believing stuff that is definitely, demonstrably untrue  (Emotions Quotes) No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence  (Emotions Quotes) Of course. Opal is toying with our emotions for her own gratification. Nothing more. She wishes to place herself in a position of power, emotionally  (Emotions Quotes) One of the biggest challenges of a horsemen is to be able tot control your emotions  (Emotions Quotes) We all live at the mercy of our emotions. Our emotions influence and shape our desires, thoughts and behaviors and above all our destiny  (Emotions Quotes) You cannot live by feelings and emotions; you have to live by your intuition and consciousness  (Emotions Quotes) Dad, I love you even more than I hate expressing my emotions towards other men  (Emotions Quotes) Our emotions can be either corrupted or elevated. Human love was not created to be without premeditated purpose  (Emotions Quotes) Girls can control their temptations but not their emotions. Guys can control their emotions but not their temptations  (Emotions Quotes) Take your time with your emotions; don’t let infatuation put you in a hole your heart can’t climb out of  (Emotions Quotes) You are what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions  (Emotions Quotes) Film is such a very good tool for communicating emotions, and all designers and creative people look to inspire an emotional response  (Emotions Quotes) To be happy. You must let go of all the negative beliefs, emotions, things and people which are holding you back in life  (Emotions Quotes) Use your human intelligence in the best way you can; transform your emotions in a positive way  (Emotions Quotes) Emotions reflect intentions. Therefore, awareness of emotions leads to awareness of intentions  (Emotions Quotes) Never play with someones heart or emotions. They aren’t toys. It might not hurt you but it’s hurting them  (Emotions Quotes) Being nice to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re fake. It means you’re mature enough to control your emotions  (Emotions Quotes) Im good at mastering my emotions. I could be breaking down inside but to your face you’d think I’m perfectly fine  (Emotions Quotes) Today = bad makeup day, bad hair day, bad clothes day, bad emotions day. Bad everything  (Emotions Quotes) Positive emotions actually enhance the brain’s ability to make good decisions  (Emotions Quotes)
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